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When creating a Custom Action or Scheduled Action Rule (Object Definition>Rules) within setup for an Address Book as the recipient, the address book must first be created in the import instance before the actions assigned to the address book can be successfully imported into the new instance. To create the address book, click the Contacts tab at the top of the TeamConnect application, then select the New drop-down and click New Address Book. Enter the same name as the address book for which the custom action or scheduled action rule is being created, then click Save.

Workflow: Make configuration changes only on development server(s). If a problem is discovered in staging or production, correct this problem in development, re-export the changes, then import the changes again. This process takes more time, but it ensures that the same content is deployed and tested across all environments.

Export: Build and test small export packages before assembling large ones. Once you can verify that they are importing accurately, you can consider bundling them into larger packages for export.

Import: Skip errors when importing to a non-production environment. It is more efficient to troubleshoot errors found during import after completion, rather than stopping at every error. Refer to the results and warning icons to locate the steps that failed, and test again once they are fixed. However, when importing changes in production, it is best practice to stop immediately when an error occurs, as errors should generally not be expected for this type of environment.

Users: Log in as a "Special User" to avoid the possibility of two users importing at the same time. The Design Change Tool does not prevent two users from simultaneously performing imports on the same server, which could result in unpredictable behavior and conflicting changes. It is best practice to define a design change group and assign a single user with permissions to the design import section of the application. If you have a package that is in the process of importing changes and another user attempts to import changes, both imports will fail.

If a design change has dependencies (or rules on which a custom object depends) on artifacts on the Export instance, but not on the Import instance, the dependencies will need to be in the same package. If any package is imported without the dependencies either existing in the Import instance's design, or in the package itself, the import process will result in an error.

If your search results preferences is set to display less records per page than the number of design changes you have made, the changes may not appear in their entirety. Avoid this by going to Preferences and entering a larger number (i.e. 999) in the "Number of records per result page" text box, located under Search Results.