The search result settings allow you to customize search results, such as the number of records displayed per page in search results.

Search Result Settings
The search result settings are described as follows:
Number of Records per result page
Enter the number of records to display per page of search results. The default is 10.
Number of card columns in contact card view
(Only for contacts search views where the Results Display Type is set to Card) For contacts search results, enter the number of columns to display. The default is 3.
Do not update Global Search drop down with corresponding tab
By default, the category dropdown of the global search bar will change to reflect which tab is currently being viewed. Check this box to disable that functionality and leave the tab at a static selection.
Automatically populate Contact field if search returns one result
Do one of the following:
•To automatically populate a Contact field when the related Contact Search Module returns one record result, select the Automatically populate Contact field if search returns one result check-box. •To display a link to a record if a search returns one record result, clear the Automatically populate Contact field if search returns one result check-box. |
Automatically populate Project field if search returns one result
Do one of the following:
•To automatically populate a Project field when the related Project Search Module returns one record result, select the Automatically populate Project field if search returns one result check-box. •To display a link to a record if a search returns one record result, clear the Automatically populate Project field if search returns one result check-box. |