If you have never specified a locale before, the existing system default locale is shown. You may choose a locale from the drop-down list. Locale controls the language of text in the application, and the format settings for date, time, and numbers. When you choose a different locale the date and time format fields, described below, change to reflect that locale.
Edit mode date format
To change the way dates display when a record is editable click this drop-down list and select one of the following:
•Short—Displays the date in a mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, 12/25/2005 to represent December 25, 2005. •International—Displays the date in a yyyy-mm-dd format. For example, 2005-12-25 to represent December 25, 2005. |
Read-only mode date format
To edit the way dates display when a record is not editable, click this drop-down list and select one of the following (where mm is month, dd is day, and yyyy is year):
•Short—Displays the date in a mm/dd/yy format. For example, 12/25/05 to represent December 25, 2005. •Medium—Displays the date in a Month dd, yyyy format when the month is abbreviated. For example, Dec 25, 2005. •Long—Displays the date in a Month dd, yyyy format. For example, December 25, 2005. •Full—Displays the date in a day, Month dd, yyyy format. For example, Saturday, December 25, 2005. •International—Displays the date in a yyyy-mm-dd format. For example, 2005-12-25 to represent December 25, 2005. |
Edit mode time format
To change the way times display when a record is editable, click this drop-down list and select one of the following:
•Short HH:MM AM/PM—Displays the time in a HH:MM AM/PM format. For example, 5:10 PM. •International—Displays the time in a HH:MM:SS format where HH can be from 1 to 24. For example, 17:10:52. |
Read-only mode time format
To edit the way times display when a record is not editable, click this drop-down list and select one of the following:
•Short HH:MM AM/PM—Displays the time in a HH:MM AM/PM format. For example, 5:10 PM. •Medium—Displays the time in a HH:MM:SS AM/PM format. For example, 5:10:52 PM. •Long—Displays the time in a HH:MM:SS AM/PM Time Zone format. For example, 5:10:52 PM CST. •International—Displays the time in a HH:MM:SS format where HH can be from 1 to 24. For example, 17:10:52. |
Time Zone
Click the drop-down list to change the system Time Zone.
To ensure that the date and time fields are accurate, the time zone that you select here must match the time zone of the computer on which the browser is running. Note that when you change the time zone in your operating system, your web browser will not recognize the change until you close and reopen the web browser. Be sure to do this.
Daylight savings time adjustments, if applicable, will be derived from the time zone that has been chosen.
If you do not select a time zone in user preferences, the system uses the admin time zone settings. In this case, the admin time zone settings must match the time zone of the computer on which the browser is running. See the "Setting Up Region Settings" section in the Administrator's Guide.