Attribute type
Value type
Lookup Table
Set to X
Assigns the value entered or selected in the X field.
The Main Assignee for the claim is the assignee with the role Adjuster.
Set to value of path
Assigns the value of the path specified in the Path field.
Note: For check-boxes, the value of path may be another check-box. For lookup tables, the value of path must be the same lookup table in another record.
Set to X
Assigns the value entered in the X field.
The Due On date of a task is set to the date entered in the X field, for example, '07/01/02'.
Set to value of path
Assigns the value of the path specified in the Path field.
A task is due the same day as the date the claim is created.
If the claim is created on 07/01/02, the Due On date for the task is set to 07/01/02.
Add X days to value of path
Adds the number of days entered in X to the value of the path.
The task '30-Day Review' is due 30 days after the date the claim is created.
If the claim is created on 07/01/02, the Due On date for the, '30-Day Review' task is set to 07/31/02.
Subtract X days from value of path
Subtracts the number of days entered in X from the value of the path.
The Progress Report for a claim must be printed 2 days before the, '30-Day Review' meeting.
If the, '30-Day Review' meeting is scheduled for 07/31/02, the due date for the Progress Report is 01/29/01.
Set to X
Assigns the value entered in the X field.
The value of the Short Description field for a task is set to the string entered in the X field, for example, '30-Day Review'.
Set to value of path
Assigns the value of the path specified in the Path field.
The value of the Name field of the account is set to the name of the claim. For example, 'Allison McDonald Auto Accident'.
Concatenate X before value of path
Include the value entered in X before the value from the Path.
The value of the Short Description field for a task is set to the string `30-day review for' entered in the X field + the name of the claim. For example, '30- day review for Allison McDonald Auto Accident'.
Concatenate X after value of path
Include the value entered in X after the value from the Path.
The value of the Short Description field for a task is set to the name of the claim + the string `- 30-day review' entered in the X field. For example, `Allison McDonald Auto Accident - 30- day review'.
Set to X
Assigns the value entered in the X field.
The value of the Allocation Limit field of an account is set to the number entered in the X field, for example, `1,000,000.00'.
Set to value of path
Assigns the value of the path specified in the Path field.
The value of the Allocation Limit field of an account is equal to that of the Allocation Limit of its parent account.
If the Allocation Limit of the parent account is set to `250,000', then the Allocation Limit of the account is set to `250,000'.
Add X to value of path
Adds the number entered in X and to the value of the path.
The value of the Allocation Limit field of an account is the sum of `50,000' and the Allocation Limit of the parent account.
If the Allocation Limit of the parent account is set to `250,000', then the Allocation Limit of the account is set to `300,000'.
Subtract X from value of path
Subtracts the number entered in X from the value of the path.
The value of the Allocation Limit field of an account is the difference of `50,000' and the Allocation Limit of the parent account.
If the Allocation Limit of the parent account is set to `250,000', then the Allocation Limit of the account is set to `200,000'.
Multiply the value of path by X
Multiplies the value of the path by the number entered in X.
The value of the Allocation Limit field of an account is 25% of the Allocation Limit of the parent account.
If the Allocation Limit of the parent account is set to `250,000', then the Allocation Limit of the account is set to `62,500'.
Divide X by the value of path
Divides the number entered in X by the value of the path.
Divide the value of path by X
Divides the value of the path by the number entered in X.
The value of the Allocation Limit field of an account is half of the Allocation Limit of the parent account.
If the Allocation Limit of the parent account is set to `250,000', then the Allocation Limit of the account is set to `125,000'.
Set to X
Assigns the value selected in the X field.
The value of the Assignee in a claim is set to the user selected in the X field, for example, Jane Smeeth.
Set to value of path
Assigns the value of the path specified in the Path field.
The value of the Assignee field in a claim is set to the user who created the claim.
If Jane Smeeth is a claim associate who created the new claim, she is automatically set as the assignee for the claim.
Set to user with role X in project of path
Assigns the user with the specified role in another project.
The value of the Assignee field in a claim is set to the user who is specified as the Underwriter for its parent policy.
If Mathew Anderson is the Underwriter for the parent policy, he is automatically set as the assignee for the claim.