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Automated actions may perform any operations on record values without limitation. In wizards, these actions include initial actions and page actions.

You must define automated actions in their respective Java class or JavaScript files and upload them to the appropriate directory in the Documents area. Otherwise, they are not available on the Actions tab of the wizard screen.

Although automated actions may perform simple operations, you may use them to create more complex logic that may not be defined through the user interface, such as:

Validating or verifying information entered by the user

Opening existing records at the end of a wizard

Inserting values in parameters of the type List.

Note: When you insert values in these parameters, you insert data gathered through the wizard into the appropriate screens of the object record. By default, duplicate contact checking is not performed when custom Java code creates or updates contacts. See the ContactService.readDuplicateContacts() method in the API Javadocs to use duplicate contact checking functionality.

Points To Remember

You may use only one automated action file per page.

Automated actions are optional.

The Automated Actions folder location in the Documents area is:

Top Level/System/Object Definitions/objectName/Rules/Automated Actions/

For information on how to create automated actions, see Writing Automated Actions.