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A path is a specific route to the location of an attribute in the object model. It is a sequence of object attributes separated by periods (.) that identifies the location of the needed value. For example: .mainAssignee.type is a path that identifies the role of the project's main assignee.

Depending on the starting object table, you can distinguish two types of paths:

Simple—An attribute in the current object table (the starting table) without traversing other tables.

For example, if you want a rule to check which user created a record, you could select the createdBy-> bridge attribute in the current object table without traversing to another table. TeamConnect follows the resulting .createdBy path to find the value.

Complex—A sequence of attributes that traverse various object tables, using the relationships between them (bridges and bridge attributes). If the required value resides in a different table, you must build a complex path to it.

For example, if you want to include the plaintiff's name in the record naming pattern of the custom object Litigation, you could navigate to Plaintiff, a custom field of type Involved:

detailList-> Litigation-> Plaintiff

The resulting path appears as:


After you have used Object Navigator to create a path to an attribute, the path appears as text in the field associated to the Object Navigator icon ObjectNav_NavigatorButton.