You can use Object Navigator with Designer screens that contain a field for identifying an attribute in the object model. These fields display the Object Navigator icon .
Some screens always display the Object Navigator icon, such as the Qualifier tab in rule screens. Other screens only display the Object Navigator icon when certain selections are made. For example, the Fields section of the Templates screen only displays the Object Navigator icon when particular operators are selected, such as Attribute in the Value field.
To start Object Navigator, click the Object Navigator icon next to the field for which you want to define an attribute path. Object Navigator appears in a separate window that displays the starting table in the object model from which your path will originate. You can create a simple path by selecting an attribute in the starting table or a complex path by selecting a bridge or bridge attribute and traversing to open the next table. For details, see Creating Paths.
Object Navigator displays the active table on the right, each table you have traversed on the left, and highlights each attribute that you add to the path.
Object Navigator Window with Only a Starting Table
Object Navigator Window Showing Traversed Starting Table and Current Table
The following table describes the items in the Object Navigator window.