1.In the screen where you want to create a path, click the Object Navigator icon. Object Navigator opens, displaying the starting table.
2.If you know how to reach the necessary attribute, build the path and go to step 6. 3.If you are not sure which attribute to select, find the your starting table in Object Model: Read This First. Tip: For custom objects, look up the TProject table in Object Model: Read This First.
4.Look through the Comments column of the selected table in Object Model: Read This First and determine whether there is an attribute in the current object table that contains the value you need. If you find the necessary attribute or bridge attribute in current table, select it in Object Navigator and go to step 6. 5.If you do not find the attribute in the current table: a.Find the bridge that can link you to the appropriate table. If necessary, look up the tables to which the bridges link in Object Model: Read This First to see if they contain the attribute you need. b.Select the bridge and click traverse. c.A new table appears to the right of the starting table. d.Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you have navigated to the necessary attribute. Tip: If you have traversed more than three tables but have not found the necessary attribute, you might be on the wrong track. Click cancel and start over.
6.Click ok. Object Navigator closes and the path that you have created appears in the field.
7.To complete the settings for the path, make other selections required in the screen you are using. The path is completed and displayed in the field. You can click the Object Navigator icon again and edit the path if necessary. Object Navigator opens, returning to the table where you left off. You can then select a different attribute, click back, or traverse to a different table.