1.Open the Assignee Roles tab of the appropriate custom object definition.  Assignee Roles Tab
2.In the Show roles in node drop-down list, select the desired hierarchy level where you want to add assignee roles. 3.Select the Number of entries you would like to add from the list. 4.For each data entry row, enter the appropriate information in the fields as described in the Assignee Roles Tab table. 5.If you want to continue adding assignee roles, click add more. Otherwise, click Save on the toolbar. The newly added roles appear in the list below the data entry fields and are immediately available in the end-user interface.
The following table describes the items on the Assignee Roles tab.
Field or control
Show roles in node
Select the desired node (hierarchy level), where you want to add assignee roles.
Role Name
Enter the desired unique name for the role. The maximum length is 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter an integer to indicate the order in which you want the name of this category to be displayed in the Role drop-down list in the end-user interface. Roles with the same Order are sorted alphabetically and displayed accordingly.
Tip: It may be helpful to enter orders in increments of five. If you ever have to add more roles, you will have some leeway as to where in the drop-down list you can place the additional roles.
Tree Position
Enter a 4-character alphanumeric combination to identify the role. See Hierarchical Tree Structure for more details.
Note: You can enter the tree position in uppercase or lowercase, however, in the database, the tree position is saved in uppercase.
Role List
Displays a list of roles created for the object. Select or clear the corresponding check-boxes on the left to delete or edit the respective roles.