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Creating and defining objects is the core procedure of customization and developing a business solution in TeamConnect. The properties you define for each object are consistently applied to all of the object's records, which are then seen in page form by end users.

For example, you can arrange data fields to be displayed with the same layout in each record. You can also configure an object to automatically name records with a pattern of data. This pattern might include the date on which the record was created, the record's category, and the name of user who created it.

Alternatively, you might also configure an object to automatically number records with a pattern of sequential numbers, the date the record was created, and even the record name. As you build it, step by step, each object displays, requests, and arranges the information you want for the end user, in the way you want it.

Defining Objects

Defining objects is a multi-step procedure. Depending on your design, some steps may not be necessary. However, no matter how many steps you use to implement your design, the task of defining an object always requires:

Thorough understanding of your organization's business requirements and processes

Clear vision of the final goal you want to achieve

If an entity-relation diagram was created during the solution design stage, it may be very useful when defining objects. For more information, see Related Objects.

Knowledge of TeamConnect terminology

As your solution is developed, you need to understand basic terms used in this documentation. Terms are introduced throughout this document, and detailed descriptions can be found in the Glossary.