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After you have created the phases necessary for the project life cycle of a custom object, you must specify the way these phases follow each other. Phases may branch into several alternative phases at the same level. For example, the following flowchart shows how the phases shown in the Phase Transitions Tab image may follow each other.

Phase Transition Example

Phase Transition Example


The process of creating a phase transition consists of:

Naming the phase transition

Specifying the phase from which the transition occurs

Specifying the phase to which the transition occurs

Determining whether the transition is visible to the end user

In the case of a linear transition, you specify the phases as you want them to follow each other, for example, from Open to Suit Filed and from Suit Filed to Discovery.

Even if you have only two phases, such as Open and Close, you must create a phase transition. In this case, select Open from the Initial Phase field and Close from the Final Phase field on the Phase Transitions tab.

When the phases branch, you must create multiple sequences, such as:

From Discovery to Depositions

From Discovery to Interrogatories

From Depositions to Settlement

From Interrogatories to Settlement

To access the Phase Transitions tab of a custom object definition, select Object Definitions from the Go to drop-down list, and then choose the appropriate custom object.

The following image shows the Phase Transitions tab of a custom object definition. Its phase transitions correspond to those shown in the diagram.

Phase Transitions Tab

Phase Transitions Tab

The following table describes the items on the Phase Transitions tab.