All custom object records have their own life cycle consisting of a set of phases. The number of phases and their transitions varies depending on the custom object and your organization's business practices.
You may define the phases for a custom object on the Phases tab of its object definition and specify the transition from one phase to another on the Phase Transitions tab. For information about setting phase transitions, see Defining Phase Transitions for Custom Objects.
You may create and view all project phases for custom objects on the Phases tab. To access this tab, select Object Definitions from the Go to drop-down list, and then choose the appropriate custom object definition.

Phases Tab
By default the Phases tab displays two phases, Open and Close. They are automatically set as the Initial and Final phases for the project life cycle on the Phase Transitions tab. You can always delete these two phases or rename them after you have added other phases.
Field or control
Phase Name
Type the name of the phase you are adding. The maximum length is 250 alphanumeric characters.
This name will be displayed in two places in the end-user interface: the Phases tab and on the General tab (as the current phase) of the record.
Enter an integer to indicate the order in which you want the name of this phase to be displayed in the drop-down lists on the Phase Transitions tab. The phases with the same Order are sorted alphabetically and displayed accordingly.
Tip: It may be helpful to enter orders in increments of five. If you ever have to add more phases, you will have some leeway as to where in the drop-down list you can place the additional phases.
Unique Code
Type a 4-character alphanumeric combination to uniquely identify this phase.
Note: You can type the unique code in uppercase or lowercase, however in the database, it is saved in uppercase.
Phase List
Displays a list of phases added to the selected custom object. Select or clear the corresponding check-boxes on the left to delete or edit the respective phases.