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The Milestone and Involved custom objects are system objects that can be created and accessed only from within Custom Objects in Designer. For more information, see Unique Custom Object Types.

Whenever you add a new custom object, you see the Create Involved and Create Milestone buttons at the top of the General tab.

Create Involved and Create Milestone Buttons

Create Involved and Create Milestone Buttons

Resulting user interface and Other Changes

When you save Involved or Milestone object information, the following actions take place for each object:

The object's name appears as a hyperlink at the top of the General tab of the respective custom object.

Two document folders with the object's name are automatically created in the Documents area and added to the following directories:

oRoot/System/Object Definitions/customObjectName/milestoneName


Top Level/System/Object Definitions/customObjectName/involvedName

This is the folder where all documents related to the design of the object definition are stored, for example, XML files for custom blocks, appropriate object definition files, document templates, and rules.



Top Level/Attachment/customObjectName/recordUniqueID/InvolvedList

This is the folder where all files uploaded to the object records are stored.

Important: For each Involved and Milestone record, this folder is created only when the record is saved and end users access the Documents block of that record for the first time.

Milestone and Involved objects have the same set of object definition tabs as system objects and their object definitions can be customized like those of system objects. See Configuring System Objects.

System Object Definition Tabs

System Object Definition Tabs

The roles of the involved parties are defined through the Categories tab of the Involved object definition screen. See Using Categories.

Group rights to the Milestone and Involved objects are identical to those of their parent object. For example, if a group lacks access rights to the parent object, it cannot access that object's Milestone and Involved records. Likewise, search results for such records are not displayed.