1.Click the Setup link. 2.From the Tools drop-down list, select Alternative Fee Arrangement Settings. The Alternative Fee Arrangement Settings screen opens. If you see a message that the AFAs are disabled, but you have enabled AFAs, sync your system with Collaborati. See Starting or Stopping CSM Synchronization with Collaborati for more information.
3.Make alternative fee arrangements active by placing a check-mark in the This AFA is active check-box. When you make an alternative fee arrangement active, the option for that alternative fee arrangement appears on the AFA page of the matter. Make rules for each arrangement active by placing check-marks in the This Rule is Active check-boxes. See the Alternative Fee Arrangements and Rules table for a description of rules. If you do not select these check-boxes for active alternative fee arrangements, even if the AFA is active check-box is selected, CSM will not enforce the AFA.
 Correctly Enabled AFA Rule
If conditions for an active rule are met, the following results occur:
oA default warning message displays in the invoice with an explanation of the condition of the rule. Update the Default Warning Message to change the warning message. oThe invoice automatically adjusts to the alternative fee if you have placed a checkmark in the Auto-adjust... check-box of the rule. If the rule is not set to auto-adjust, a message appears in the invoice about updating the invoice manually. See the Alternative Fee Arrangements and Rules table for an explanation of how the invoice automatically adjusts. If you use this check-box, select an Adjustment Reason so that, if the vendor receives a rejection, the invoice will include information about the reason for the rejection.
4.Select an option for the Hourly Fee Tracking field to specify whether or not the invoice tracks the hourly fee details. Important: Make sure you do not change this option after you have already saved the AFA settings. Changing the Hourly Fee Tracking field after TeamConnect starts receiving Collaborati invoices can cause issues with the invoice savings amount.
Volume Discount and Shared Costs do not have this option.
oAlways Disabled—The invoice does not track hourly fee details. oAlways Enabled—The Tracking Method field automatically appears on the matter with the tracking method option that you specify in the setup listed as the default. oSelectable by Matter—The Hourly Fee Tracking check-box appears with the matter so that the user can specify whether or not to track the hourly invoice fees. 5.Select an option for the Tracking Method field. The Tracking Method for some AFAs is already set. oFee Adjustment—A standard invoice includes the original invoice fees with an adjustment to the alternative fee amount. oShadow Invoicing—A shadow invoice includes the original invoice fees, while the alternative fee appears as the only amount on the standard invoice. oSelectable by Matter—The user can specify how to track hourly invoice fees. 6.Click Save AFA Settings. |