After you enable alternative fee arrangements, you may need to make updates to a few additional rules.
If you want TeamConnect to Reject Multi- Matter Invoices
When you initially enable AFAs, if TeamConnect receives a multi-matter invoice and the AFA Type for one of the matters is set to Volume Discount or Shared Costs, TeamConnect rejects the invoice.
1.From the Tools drop-down under the Setup, select Invoice Validation Rule Setting. 2.From the drop-down, select Show All Rules. 3.For the CSM (Validation) - Do Not Allow Multi-Matter Invoice except Line Item Projects with Specific Project Categories rule, select This Rule is Active. 4.Click Save Rule Setting. |
If You Have TeamConnect Legal
If you have TeamConnect Legal and you enable AFAs, you must update the AFA Invoice Posting Rule - Post - SYS rule.
1.From the Go to drop-down under the Setup, select Object Definitions. 2.Click the Invoice object definition. 3.Click the Rules tab. 4.Click the AFA Invoice Posting Rule - Post - SYS rule. 5.Change the Order to a number higher than 1000. 6.Click Save and Close. 7.Log out of TeamConnect to update the changes. |