1.From the Output page, select File from the Output Interface Type drop-down. 2.(Optional) In the File Name field, enter the first half of the filename. You can enter up to 35 characters. The name of the output file automatically includes a naming convention based on the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond when the system creates the file. TeamConnect inserts any name you enter at the beginning of the filename.
3.In the File Extension field, enter the file extension. Do not include the . (dot) with the extension. 4.From the File Format drop-down, select one of the following: oText Delimited File—A file where a character separates each field of a row. oFixed-Width File—A file where each column has a defined width. When the field value has fewer characters than the defined width, the user-specified character pads the empty spaces in the column. 5.Specify the file format details. If you select Text Delimited File, see the Text Delimited File Fields table. If you select Fixed Width, see the Fixed Width Fields for Text, Numeric, and Date Fields table. 6.(Optional) Place a check-mark in the File Contains Header Row check-box if you want the file to have a header row with field names on the first line. |