Output. Schedule how often invoice data is extracted from TeamConnect. Scheduling data extraction to occur often is recommended so that you are not generating too much output data each time.
Input. Schedule how often TeamConnect imports information that the AP system returns.
1.From the Output or Input page of AP Settings, click the icon to select the start date of the first time data exports or imports. 2.Click the icon to select the start time of the first time data exports or imports. 3.From Output Schedule or Input Schedule, specify the frequency in days or hours you want TeamConnect to export or import data: oFrom the text field, enter a number for every number of days or hours. oFrom the drop-down field, select Days or Hours.  Scheduling TeamConnect to Extract Output Data Once a Day
To stop the export or import schedule, click Stop Action and the scheduled information clears.
From the Output or Input page of AP Settings, click the Run Now button.