Because TeamConnect and the AP system are most likely not installed on the same server, save the output and input files to secure locations with privacy and standard encryption on the files.
Output and Input. From the Output or Input pages, select a location type in the Output File Location or Incoming File Location drop-down.
Specifying a Location on the Input Page
The following table includes a description of each location option.
Input. After an input file imports successfully, you can specify whether or not the file stays in the location you select in the previous section.
Input File Location Settings
Under the File Storage Post Processing block, in the Upon Success field, specify what happens to the input file:
•Rename File in Current Directory—TeamConnect renames each file after it imports the data into TeamConnect by appending Processed to the end of the file extension. The file remains in the same location.
•Delete File from Current Directory—TeamConnect deletes each file from the original location after it imports successfully.
Note: If you select to delete the files from this location, but you want to save them elsewhere, you can specify that they save to the Documents page. See Saving Files to the Documents Page for more information.