Invoices in TeamConnect represent bills that outside counsel and other vendors send to your organization. To customize how users work with invoices, you can update the invoice system settings.
Field Names and Descriptions
Default Value
Invoice Settings
•Reason for rejection is required—Select the check-box if you want to require users to select a reason for rejection on the My Approvals page before they reject invoice approval requests. •Comment to requestor is required—Select the check-box if you want to require users to enter comments in the Comment to Requestor field on the My Approvals page before they reject invoice approval requests. •Require In House Comments upon adjustment—Select the check-box if you want to require the user to enter comments in the In House Comments field when adjusting an invoice line item. •Allow users not part of workflow to edit line items—Place a checkmark in the checkbox if you want to allow users who are not part of the invoice approval group to edit line items when an invoice is in the approval workflow. In addition to selecting this checkbox, users must have system rights to edit line items. •Enable International Line Item Tax Details—Place a checkmark in the checkbox to enable invoices to specify non-US taxes for individual line items. |
Check-boxes are empty
Invoice Line Item Filter Criteria
Maximum number of items in list—Enter the maximum number of items that can appear in multi-select lists when selecting values for a search of the Line Items fields on the General page of an invoice.
If the number of items in a multi-select list is higher than the number you enter, a search box appears instead of a list. The search box allows the user to search across all databases.
Invoice Line Items Display
The following fields apply to the Line Items section on the General page of an invoice.
•Line Item Rate—Specify up to how many numbers users can enter after the decimal in the Rate field. •Line Item Units/Hours—Specify up to how many numbers users can enter after the decimal in the Unit field. These settings apply immediately to all new invoices. Existing data does not change. For more information about setting decimal places, see Setting Decimal Places for Invoice Line Items.
2 for both options