Show/Hide Toolbars

Using interactions, fields can have the ability to affect the visibility of another field, block or element on the canvas. Visibility will be determined by cases, which are listed in the Interactions pane. More information on Interactions as well as another example can be found on the Interactions section of the Screen Designer guide.

For users with Screen Designer 5.2 and later, creating a conditional interaction will automatically result in the inverse condition being created. Users do not need to manually define the opposite of their action. This applies to both show/hide functionality as well as required/not required and will only apply to newly created interactions. As an example, if a user set a given field to "show" if the Current Phase is "Closed," the user does not need to manually create a "hide" condition for all phases besides "Closed."

Users should make sure when deleting interactions that they remove both interactions, as unintended duplicate interactions can result from creating new interactions after only deleting half of the pre-existing interaction. This automatic inverse creation does not apply to numeric-type fields. Users will need to refresh after creating a new interaction to see the inverse condition listed.


Note: The custom screen executes each case from top to bottom, so if two cases contradict each other, the latter case will take precedent.

Adding an interaction for sample fields

In this example, we will design an interaction for the Discount Eligible and Discount Eligible Amount custom fields created in the Custom Field Creation Example of the Screen Designer Walkthrough guide. With this interaction, we will ensure that the Discount Eligible Amount field only shows if the Discount Eligible field is checked.

1. Click the Discount Eligible Amount field. Select this field because it will be the field shown/hidden based on a different field.

2. Click New to start designing your interaction.

3. From the Interactions panel, adjust the If section to the following:

Selected Field: Discount Eligible

Operator: Equals

Value: True

4. From the Interactions panel, ensure the Then section shows the following for Discount Eligible Amount:

Affected Field: Discount Eligible Amount

Visibility: Show

Required: Required

5. Click Save.