After your block is designed with all requisite rows, fields and interactions, you will need to save and publish the block for use in the TeamConnect application. Once published, the block will be applied to the selected object for your teams. The following example is built on the Screen Designer Walkthrough fields. For general details on this process, please see Saving and Publishing Custom Blocks.
Saving and Publishing a screen to TeamConnect
1. Once the block is fully designed, click File> Save Block.
2. After saving, click File>Publish Block. Enter the desired file name and click OK. Note: You do not have to save prior to publishing, though it is a best practice recommendation.
Adding a published screen to your instance
1. Navigate to Setup in the top-right corner of your TeamConnect instance.
2. From the Go to... drop-down menu, select Object Definitions. Select the object under which you created your custom screen. For our example, this is the Contact object.
3. Click the Blocks tab.
4. Select the .scr file you published in the Screen Designer application and add a Friendly Name (label) for it. Save.
5. Navigate to the Object Views tab and select the view you are using for the object. If you are unsure, you can click the System Settings... drop-down menu and click Default Object Views.
6. Using the Add the block field, select your field to add to an existing block. Users can also add a new tab for their block if they so choose. Click add to finalize upload of the block.
7. Save. You may need to log out and log back into the application to view this new field.
Newly Created Tab for Custom Block
Successfully Added Custom Field