You can either post all time entries for a time period at once or post time entries for that Time Period individually.
To post a time entry you enter using the time entry tool, you must update the billing information from the task record.
1.Open the matter associated with the time entry. 2.Click the Activities link in the left pane. 3.Click the time entry link in the Tasks section. Find the Description entered with the Time Entry Tool in the subject column. 4.Click Edit. 5.Enter a Rate under Billing Information. 6.Save the record. |
1.From the All Services tab, under Tools, click the Time Entry Tool link. 2.From the Tasks For field, click the icon and select a date from the time period for which you will post time entries. 3.Select a name from the Timekeepers drop-down list. If you have been given the right to act as a designated timekeeper, you can add a time entry for another timekeeper. 4.Determine which time entries you want to post: oTo post all time entries simultaneously, click Post All. oTo post individual time entries, check the box(es) in the time entries table for the tasks to post, and click Post. The time entry's Posting Status displays Posted for each posted time entry.
If you receive this post rejected message, perform the following actions:
•Check the budget for the related matter to verify that the account has sufficient money.
•Make sure the entry has enough billing information.