A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W
Records used for tracking various amounts of money allocated for specific purposes. There are two kinds of accounts: Budgets and Reserves.
Groups of Contacts created by each user as desired. Each user can organize person and company contacts into logical groups. A user could create a group of contacts with whom he or she frequently interacts, so that their phone numbers are easily accessible when needed. Members of address books who are also Users can be added as attendees to appointments.
A software program specialized for a particular purpose, for example word processing or email.
Events, engagements, or meetings scheduled for a particular purpose at an assigned place and time with specific Resources. Appointments can be made only for Users who become the appointment's Attendees. Appointments can be easily associated with specific Projects if necessary.
Authorization from one or more users (known as approvers) which is required for certain actions that are attempted by users. For example, deleting a matter, posting an invoice, or changing the phase of a matter could require approval and therefore trigger an approval process. When you trigger an approval process, you are considered the requestor in the approval process. The attempted action is completed upon the final approval.
Approvals are the major component of TeamConnect Workflow.
Designated Users who have the authority to approve or reject certain actions attempted by users of TeamConnect. There can be several approvers at each level of the Approval process. This approval level is also known as an approval Stop. During an approval process, approvers may be able to send the approval request to reviewers for review before they make their decision. Approvers can view their approval requests on the My Approvals screen.
TeamConnect Users who are assigned to Projects or Tasks. There can be one or several users assigned to a project. The main assignee is in charge of the whole project, whereas the rest of the assigned users are responsible for certain parts of the project. In tasks, there can be only one assignee at a time. All assignees can be re-assigned, if necessary.
Contacts who are Involved in the project are different than assignees. For example, you select outside counsel to work on a matter; you do not assign outside counsel to a matter because they are not users.
TeamConnect Users who are listed as taking part in an event, such as a meeting or conference call, for which there is an Appointment scheduled. Only users, not external contacts, can be attendees.
Billable Tasks
Tasks that have a financial cost and therefore can be posted against (debited from) accounts, for example, buying a new computer is a task that has a specified cost and needs to be posted against an account. Alternatively, as task such as calling a meeting has no cost and is considered non-billable.
Billable tasks can be tracked by their rates on an hourly basis. All billable tasks can be posted against certain accounts according to the posting criteria you set for each individual account.
Budget is a type of Account that represents a certain amount of money set aside by the organization or its individual departments to do business for a specific period of time, such as the fiscal year.
Items in the user interface that are associated with specific groups of fields displayed in a record.
By adding or deleting categories in a record, you can display or hide the associated sections or fields in that record. In some cases, you might need the user rights to view specific categories and the custom fields belonging to them.
Check In or Out
A way to manage files that are uploaded to the Documents screens so that only one person at a time can edit them. If a file is checked out, no other users can edit the file. When the user is done editing and checks the file in, it becomes available for check out.
A record that has a parent record. Records can have hierarchical relationships between records. One (parent) record can have multiple (child) records, whereas each child record can have only one parent.
Child records might be required to have a parent. However, parent records are not required to have child records.
Categories can also have parent-child relations.
For more details, see "Parent and Child Accounts" on page 87 and "Parent and Child Projects" on page 110.
Individuals or organizations that conduct business with your organization and in one way or another are involved in the records with which you work. For example, staff, claimants, opposing parties, witnesses, agencies, vendors, outside counsels, and so on can all be described by contact records. You specify Categories to indicate the type of contact.
Contact-Centric Projects
Projects that are associated with and revolve around a specific contact without which they cannot exist. For example, an insurance claim record cannot be created without specifying an insured contact.
Within a contact-centric project, the contact record is displayed as a single hyperlink. It is created through a search module field and displayed in the general information section of the project.
Objects created for your organization. Unlike System Objects, they do not come standard with TeamConnect. They are created by your TeamConnect developer. Custom objects can have names used within your organization for records or files, such as matters, and policies. Within this documentation, custom objects are referred to as Projects.
A value or setting that TeamConnect automatically selects if you do not specify a substitute. For example, TeamConnect may select certain Categories as the default for your Records, or set a contact's address as the default.
The default directory in document screens is the directory the operating system searches unless you specify a different directory.
The default can also be an action that the program will take. For example, a user who creates an appointment is automatically (or by default) added as an attendee.
Additional, custom fields that may be created for various records. These fields are created to meet the specific needs of your organization. They are usually organized into groups on the screen, known as Detail Forms or blocks.
Certain groups of Details created for a specific object Category. They can be displayed on a separate tab or as a section on the General tab of an object record.
A file uploaded to the Documents area of TeamConnect. These can be plain text, MS Word, MS Excel, PDF, image (JPEG, GIF, BMP), HTML, XML, and so on. They are usually associated with TeamConnect records, for example, a picture taken of a car damaged in an auto accident.
A state of a record in which you can modify it. In most screens, you can switch a record from Read-only mode to Edit mode by clicking the Edit button, if you have the appropriate Rights.
Email Account
An account for email messaging setup on an email server and accessed by the email client. A default email account is one that has already been set up for you.
Email Client
An email application for sending and receiving email messages, for example, Microsoft Outlook.
Embedded projects
Child projects that are embedded in their parent project and cannot be created or accessed outside it. They also have a more simplified screen layout and functionality than child records.
Within the parent record, its embedded records are displayed as multiple hyperlinks in a separate tab or section with a search or batch screen.
This term is sometimes used to refer to Objects in TeamConnect.
Costs of doing business in your organization, such as the cost of merchandise bought and the cost of services received. For example, office supplies, transportation, phone calls, meals, and employee training, could be considered expenses. Expenses can be project-specific (associated with a particular Project), or global (not associated with projects).
Expenses can be posted against Accounts according to the posting criteria you set for each individual account.
Floating Tasks
Tasks that do not have a specific due date.
Areas in TeamConnect where discussions are held. Forums contain Topics, wherein messages are posted discussing the topic.
Global Search
Global Search allows you to search for specific record types or across All Records or All Projects. You can enter a few consecutive characters from any record's name or number, select the type of record, and the system will figure out what to search by, name or number, and whether the characters come from the beginning, middle, or end.
Global Tasks
Tasks that are not associated with a specific project.
User groups contain users who have the same or similar responsibilities within the organization. Each user group has its own set of access rights assigned to it. Your TeamConnect system administrator can provide you with further information about the groups that exist in your organization.
Records that reflect chronology or history of the record to which they are related. History entries may contain facts about payments made by adverse carriers, automated assignments, and so on. Within different companies these entries are referred to as docketing or calendaring, logs, diaries, notes, journals, and so on.
A screen which is displayed when you first log into TeamConnect, containing portal panes of useful links and information specific to your role in your organization. You may have access to more than one home page.
An element in an electronic document or on the screen that links to another place in the same document (screen) or to a different location. You click the hyperlink to follow the link. You can create hyperlinks to certain documents in the Documents area.
Short for Internet Message Access Protocol, an Internet-specific protocol that allows email clients to retrieve email messages from servers. This protocol cannot send email.
Bills sent by Vendors who provided your organization with their goods or services. Within TeamConnect, there are two distinguished types of invoices: Invoice Expenses and Invoice Tasks. Invoices can be posted against certain Accounts according to the posting criteria set for each individual account.
Contacts involved in Projects, such as claimants, witnesses, policemen, plaintiffs, defendants, and so on. Unlike project Assignees, involved parties are not TeamConnect users. The information about the contact's involvement is displayed both in the contact record and the project record.
IP Address
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) are the two main communication protocols used to access Internet addresses. A computer must have an IP address before it can connect to the Internet. An IP "data packet" (like an email) must have a "send-to" IP address before it can be sent to another computer, just like postal mail needs an envelope with a real address. An IP address is several numbers separated by periods, for example,
Line Items
Items in the list of goods or services specified in the vendor Invoice. The details of each line item, such as the type (task or expense), price, quantity, and dates must be entered on the Line Items tab of the corresponding invoice.
Main Record
A record that may have multiple related records that are not hierarchically subordinate to it, but were created for it and hence, are dependent on it.
For example, a Dispute record can have multiple tasks and appointments, an invoice can have multiple history records, a contact can have multiple documents, and so on. Typically, main records are projects. However, all record types can have dependent records of type history and document.
Within a main record, its dependent records are displayed as multiple hyperlinks in a search screen, or in a separate tab or section of the record.
This term can refer to the following:
Group members are Users who are included in a group, from which they can obtain rights to various objects and tools in TeamConnect.
Route members are users who are included in the Approval process in an Approval Rule.
Address Book members are contacts that are included in a user's personal address book.
Memo Text
A type of text field in which you can type free form text of a length up to what your database permits.
Types of records that are specifically designed to meet the legal needs of an organization. The standard TeamConnect matter types are advice & counsel, disputes, and transactions. They are sometimes referred to as "projects," such as in the Project search module.
A group of computers that all share the same applications. The applications may reside on a single main computer. The main computer is the server, and the computers (including applications) being served are the clients. Keep in mind that an application may also act as a client.
A command used to complete a task.
Describes a different alternative that does not fit under an appropriate category or grouping.
Parent-child relationships
Hierarchical relationships, where one "parent" record can have multiple "child" records, whereas each child record can have only one parent. For example, one dispute record can have multiple account records related to it. Within a parent record, child records are always displayed as hyperlinks on a search screen, on a separate tab or section of the record.
In the Category drop-down list on the Categories tab, the parent-child relationships between categories are indicated by indentations that reflect the hierarchical relationships between them.
For more details on the parent-child relations between projects, see "Parent and Child Projects" on page 110.
Parent Record
A record of a higher "rank" in the record hierarchy, which may have multiple related records of a lower "rank," often known as Child Records. In most cases, the parent record is a matter. The only other record type that my have parent-child relations is Account.
Within each child record, the parent record is always displayed as a single hyperlink in the General Information section on the General tab of the record. You can select the parent record by using the Search Module field (or a drop-down list, depending on your settings).
Specific stages each Project must go through to be completed. Together these phases constitute the project's life cycle.
An input-output point where data can enter or leave a computer. If an application is set up on a computer, for example, Outlook, this computer is the host for this application. A computer port allows the application to communicate outside the computer.
A component of a home page that could display items such as your current projects, tasks, and appointments, hyperlinks to the Web, or hyperlinks to create new records. Portal panes in your home page are tailored to your specific needs by your system administrator, to give you quick access to tasks you need to perform frequently.
System options that you can use to meet your individual needs and personal preferences. They are listed in the Options drop-down list on the Main menu bar.
Process Manager
A TeamConnect user who is responsible for monitoring approval processes that are sent to approvers by requestors. Process Managers receive notifications of approval requests when there is an error. They may also be notified when a request is rejected or expired. They can restart an approval process to resolve errors, rejections, or expirations, or reassign the task of approving a request to other users when necessary. They can also reject approval requests.
The Process Manager role is assigned to a user group rather than an individual user. However, each user within that group has equal authority to perform Process Manager activities.
Types of records that are specifically designed to meet the business needs of your organization, also known as Custom Objects. All available types of projects for your organization are displayed at the end of the Go to and Create a new drop-down lists on the Main menu bar.
Project-specific Task
Tasks that are not associated with a specified project.
A method or type of communication that a computer network uses.
Read-only Access
Record-level security state in which the record cannot be modified as a result of the rights assigned to it or for workflow reasons, for example, when the record is pending approval, and the approval rule prevents anyone from modifying the record. This relates to Record Security and not to the Read-only Mode display state.
A state of a record in which you cannot modify it. Records in Read-only mode can be switched to Edit mode if you have the appropriate Rights.
A record is a collection of data about something or someone with reference to a particular matter, such as a lawsuit, meeting, or financial transaction, saved in the database. Records have a number and a name assigned to identify the record in the database and help you search for it.
Denial of an Approval request to do a user-attempted operation by members of a Route. If the operation is rejected, this is noted on the Workflow tab of the Record.
An association between one record and another. They are typically displayed as hyperlinks on the screen, and can be established through Search Module fields, or the Relations tab.
Related Records
Associated records that can be accessed from within other records (often collectively referred to as `parent records') by clicking hyperlinks. Often they may be represented by a separate tab or section in the parent record, which has the structure of a Search Screen. For example, appointments, tasks, histories, expenses, documents, milestones, involved, and accounts are related records within Projects.
An attempted operation by a user that is not completed until it has been approved by the approvers in a specified approval route. A request can be tracked by the requestor, the approvers who receive the request, and possibly a Process Manager, if one is specified for that approval process.
A user who performs an action that triggers an approval process, such as posting an invoice, voiding an invoice, or changing the phase of a project (such as a matter). The request is sent to approvers according to the approval route that is defined for that workflow process. The requestor's request is approved or rejected by the approvers. Requestors can view the progress of their requests on the My Requests screen. They can also cancel a request if necessary.
Required Fields
Fields that must have a value entered or selected in them to save the record. TeamConnect typically indicates which fields are required whenever you attempt to save a record with no values in the required fields. The labels of required fields, by default, are displayed in red with an asterisk next to them. You can change the display settings for required fields through the Appearance options accessible from the Options drop-down list on the Main menu bar.
A type of Account where the money is allocated from the Budget for the settlement of matters, such as paying outside counsel fees and other costs accrued while working on a matter, or an amount set aside for claim payments.
Means and facilities necessary for conducting an event, for which an appointment has been scheduled. For example, you may need to book a conference room or a projector.
A user who is asked by an approver to review an approval request. Reviewers are not approvers, so they do not approve or reject the request. They can provide feedback to the approver who makes a decision in the process. Reviewers can view their requests for review on the My Approvals screen.
Permissions to perform operations in TeamConnect, such as accessing, creating, updating (editing), and deleting whole records or parts of them. Rights are assigned to you by your TeamConnect system administrator based on your role within the organization.
The top Category in the categories hierarchy tree. It is always automatically added to every record in TeamConnect. In Projects, this category has the same name as the object itself.
A defined path of users whose Approval is required to authorize an operation in TeamConnect, such as posting an invoice. The path can consist of one or more Stops, that can each contain one or more members who can approve or reject the operation. Routes are used for Workflow purposes, to help define and control your business processes.
Your organization's business Workflow requirements defined by your TeamConnect system administrator. Rules allow the system to automatically check and validate operations that users attempt, prompt them if values are missing, route requests for Approvals if necessary, and so on.
A special utility that allows you to quickly search for a specific record and link it to the record with which you are currently working without leaving its screen. The Search Module is always represented by a field with two icons, Find and Open, next to it.
A type of screen that is displayed whenever you are looking for a specific record. In the user interface, search screens can be displayed as separate screens, tabs, or sections of a tab. They consist of either two tabs (Filter and Results) or on the same page as a Search Criteria section and Displayed Record section. You can access these screens if you select an option in the Go to drop-down list on the Main menu bar or if you click the Find icon in record screens.
Search Views
Different sets of search criteria represented by different fields on the Filter tab of a Search Screen. All available Search Views are displayed in the Current View drop-down list on the toolbar of a Search Screen.
A level of access protection you can set for the records you create. For example, you can make a record Private or Public or you can grant or deny the rights to read, update and delete a record to other Users. All record security details can be viewed through the Security tab of the record.
A main computer that services a network or part of a network. For example, a server that manages the flow of email through a network is called an email server. A computer or application that utilizes a server for email messaging is called an email client. In the case of email, using it in a network is done by an email client (application), such as Microsoft Outlook.
Shortcut Key
A special key combination, using the keys on your keyboard, that causes a specific command to be executed. For example, CTRL+C will copy the selected item. Typically, shortcut keys combine the CTRL or ALT keys with some other keys.
Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending email messages between servers.
An Approval node, or check-point in a Route within the TeamConnect Workflow. Each stop consists of a certain number of Approvers, whose authorization is required for a pending action. Each approval route may have several stops. If you are an approver, you receive the approval request when it reaches your stop.
Super User
A user who is given the rights to access TeamConnect records marked as Private.
A user interface element that is displayed at the top of record screens. When clicked, each tab opens a new set of information from the record.
Internal assignments for TeamConnect Users. For example, preparing reports, reviewing documentation, and other activities could be considered tasks. Tasks can be project-specific (associated with a particular Project) or global (not associated with projects). They can also be billable (posted against an account) or non-billable (a task without a cost).
A computer file with a pre-designed format and structure, for example, for a fax, letter, or expense report, which can be copied to serve as a pattern or model for additional files of the same type.
A geographic area with which a Contact is associated. You can associate several territories to a contact.
Events in your business that change its financial position, such as buying supplies, paying bills, withdrawing money, or buying equipment. For example, Expenses, Tasks, and Invoices in addition to regular money withdrawals from and transfers between Accounts are transactions. Transactions are posted or completed against accounts.
Persons who have access to TeamConnect. Unlike Contacts, each user has his or her own username and password, which is recorded in his or her user account (accessible only by the Administrator). Users have Rights assigned to them according to their roles within the organization, which allow them to use the appropriate areas of TeamConnect.
Unlike contacts, users can be assigned to tasks and matters and can be attendees of appointments.
Outside Contacts with whom your organization conducts business. These can be suppliers of goods or services, hotels, travel agents, outside counsels, independent consultants, and so on.
Version Control
A method of tracking the edits made to a document that is uploaded to TeamConnect. Version control allows users to access previous versions of a document, and even revert the current version back to a previous version if needed. Version control must be activated by the TeamConnect Administrator.
A utility within TeamConnect that defines information that needs to be captured to create valid Records. A wizard guides the user through the entire process of capturing the record for the first time. It automatically determines the sequence of steps in which the user should collect data by displaying the appropriate pages on the screen and prompting the user what information needs to be entered. For example, the Appointment Scheduler is a wizard. Other wizards may be defined specifically for your organization.
A defined sequence of activities within an organization to produce a final outcome. For example, a request to post an invoice might be automatically routed from staff members to a manager to a director for approval, before it is posted to the appropriate budgets. At each stage in the workflow, one or more users are responsible for specific activities. Once the operation is complete (for example, the approval for posting the invoice is obtained), TeamConnect ensures that the users responsible for the next operation receive the data they need to execute their stage of the process.
TeamConnect's standard workflow consists only of approval processes. However, your workflow process could be designed to extend beyond the approval processes to include other activities that help to move information and tasks through your organization.