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Issue: The appointments in the calendar display appear to be in the wrong time zone.

Resolution: In order for the calendar to display appointments in the appropriate time zone, the machine on which the browser is running must be set to the same time zone as the time zone set in User Preferences in TeamConnect. Contact your system administrator to set these preferences.

Task or Invoice Rates

Issue: On a task or invoice, the default rate that is defined on the contact Rate page is not appearing or is incorrect.

Resolution: If you defined more than one default rate on a contacts' Rate page, a start or end date may be incorrect or blank. For specific details, see Notes for Rates.

Browser Hangs

Issue: I clicked the browser's Stop button, and some of the buttons and links on the page don't work now.

Resolution: If you click the Stop button while a page is loading, you will leave the page in an inconsistent state. You cannot rely on items on the page working correctly unless you click Refresh to force the page to finish loading.

Document Reports

Issue: I am creating a report that uses Document records as data, but I am seeing duplicate document names in my report.

Resolution: If a Document has been checked in more than once - in other words, has multiple versions - each version acts like a separate Document record in the report results. If you'd like the report to return only the current versions of the documents, then apply appropriate filter criteria to the report.