1.Go to the My Workflow Processes page using the hyperlinks in the My Workflow Processes portal pane or by selecting Workflow Processes from the All drop-down list on the tab bar. 2.Click the Completed Requests page. 3.In the View drop-down list, select which processes you want to view, depending on how they were completed or resolved: oAll Requests Completed—All requests that are approved, canceled, or rejected. oRequests Approved—Requests that approvers in the route approved by the approvers in the route and requests that automatically approved when the route expired. oRequests Canceled—Requests that the requestor canceled. oRequests Rejected—Requests that an approver in the route rejected, requests that the process manager returned to the requestor, or requests that TeamConnect rejected when the route expired. 4.Using the Completed Date From and Completed Date To date fields, select the date range for completion that you want to view. 5.Click Search. The list of processes refreshes to provide you with the filtered list of completed processes.