1.Go to the My Approvals page using the hyperlink to your pending reviews in the My Approvals portal pane or by selecting Approvals from the All drop-down list on the Main menu. 2.Click the Requests to Review link, if that section is not already displayed. The list of reviews that have been requested from you is displayed.
3.Click the Record hyperlink of the record that you want to review. The record opens with its General page displayed.
4.Click Submit Review in the record toolbar. The Submit Review window opens.
 Submit Review Window
5.Type your feedback in the Comment to Requestor field. You can enter up to 2000 characters, including spaces. 6.Click Submit Review. Your review is sent to the approver who requested it in an email, if emails are set accordingly, and is recorded in the record's Approval History, where the approver can view it directly in the record.