The My Approvals page allows you to submit multiple reviews at once, to quickly move reviews out of your work list. Or, you can submit them one at a time.
You can also submit reviews directly within the requested records, as described in Submitting Reviews Through Individual Records.
1.Go to the My Approvals page using the hyperlink to your pending reviews in the My Approvals portal pane or by selecting Approvals from the All drop-down list on the Main menu. 2.Click the Requests to Review link, if that section is not already displayed. The list of reviews that have been requested from you is displayed.
3.Type your review comments in the Comment to Requestor field for each selected request. You can enter up to 2000 characters, including spaces. 4.Click submit review. Your reviews are sent to the approver who requested it in an email, if emails are set accordingly, and is recorded in the record's Approval History, where the approver can view it directly in the record.
Indicates the record on which there is a pending action for which an approver has requested your review. For example, the record could be an invoice, document, or some other type of record. Click the record's hyperlink to view it.
The type of record for which the request was submitted.
The name of the request that has been submitted. The request name indicates the type of action being requested. If the record is an invoice, the invoice amount is part of the request name.
Displays the name of the user who triggered the approval request. Click to open the user's contact record.
Expiration Date
The date by which the approver must submit his or her decision. In order to give the approver time to consider your feedback, submit your review some time before this date.
The approver who requested a review from you.
Comments from the approver who is requesting a review from you.
Submit Review
Click this button to submit a review for a request. A window will open, allowing you to enter comments.
Internal Comment
Type your review feedback before clicking submit review. You can enter up to 2000 characters, including spaces.