1.Create a report. a.From the Reports tab, click New. b.Enter a Report Name. c.Save the report. 2.Click Data in the left pane. 3.Create a data series for a project. a.From the Data Series page, click New. b.From the New Data Series window, select a project type for Record Type. c.Enter a Name for the data series. d.Click Ok. e.Select the Results Display tab. f.From the Systems Fields folder, drag the following to the Results Display section: ▪Object Link ▪Matter ID g.Click Apply & Close to save. 4.Create another data series for accounts. a.From the Data Series page, click New. b.From the New Data Series window, select Account for Record Type. c.Enter a Name for the data series. d.Click Ok. e.Select the Results Display tab. f.From the Systems Fields folder, drag the following to the Results Display section: ▪Project ▪Name ▪Total Used a.Click Apply & Close to save. 5.Save the report. When you create or update a data series, you must save the report before you use it to create join conditions.
6.Place a check-mark in the Combine Data Series check-box on the Data page. 7.Click the Results Display Configuration button. 8.Drag the following Fields to the Join Conditions section: oObject Link from the project data series folder oProject from the account data series folder 9.Drag all Fields in both folders to the Results Display section.
10.Click Apply & Close to save. 11.Click Chart in the left pane. 12.From the Group By field, select Matter ID. 13.Click Save & View from the save drop-down options. 14.Click Run Report to see the combined data series in a report, as shown in the sample report. |