History entries are often generated automatically. Automatically generated history entries are added to the appropriate records according to the rules set by your administrator. However, you can also create history entries manually. This section describes that procedure.
1.Open the record where you want to make a history entry (for example Appointment, Task, or Claim). 2.Click the History link in the left pane. Your History search results appear.
3.Click New. The General page of a new History entry appears with the blank fields displayed for you by default.
4.Enter the appropriate values for the new History entry as described for the General page of a History entry. 5.(Optional) Add other appropriate information on the other pages. 6.Save the entry, as described more generally in Saving an Edited Record. |
•Any History entry can be made only from its "parent" record to which it is related. •The information in the Description field should be brief and to the point so that users can easily distinguish among different history records in a list of search results. |