General history information is typically entered and displayed on the General page of the history entry. It includes the date and time when the entry was made, its default category, the name of the user who made the entry, the details of the entry, and the hyperlink to the record that created it.
The following table describes the items on the General tab of history entries.
Field or control
Type the date or click the Calendar icon to specify the date on which the history entry is created.
By default, the system displays the current date.
Type the time or click the Time icon to specify the time in which the history entry is created. By default, the current time is displayed.
By default, the system displays the current time that is read from the server.
Type the appropriate details of the history entry. Make sure they are concise and to the point.
Note: The first 250 characters are displayed as the Description for this entry in the search results.
Parent Record
Automatically displays a hyperlink to the record within which the history entry is created.