If you have already created billing Time Periods from the Create Next Fiscal Budget tool, you can skip this procedure. The Time Periods section allows creation of individual Time Periods and overriding the default Available Hours calculation.
1.Click the Time Entry Settings link under the All tab in the upper-right of TeamConnect. 2.Click the Edit Record icon . The Time Entry Settings - General page opens.
3.Click the Time Periods link from the left pane. 4.To create individual Time Periods, from the Time Periods section, click New. 5.Click the Calendar icon for End Date and select a date. 6.Click the Calendar icon for Start Date and select a date. 7.Type a number in Total Billable Hours (sets the Available Hours in the Time Entry Tool). 8.Click a save option The default naming convention for new Time Periods is "Start Date"-"End Date". For example, 06/01/2007 - 06/30/07.
Only the fields on the General page are required. Additional pages display for a Time Period record (Categories, Phases, Assignees, Relations, Documents, Security, Tasks, Appointments, History, Expenses, Accounts, Workflow pages) but they are generally not used.