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After you install SOP Manager, you can configure the connection between SOP Manager and your RA, set up the schedule to retrieve SOP records, and specify which users to notify when SOP records are ready to process.

Important: After you initially configure SOP settings, it is recommended that you change the synchronization status to Stopped before you make any changes to SOP settings. See Starting or Stopping SOP Retrieval Manually for more information.


You can perform the following tasks when configuring SOP Manager settings"

Configuring Connection Settings

Configuring SOP Synchronization

Configuring Attachment Settings

Configuring Notification Settings

Before You Begin

Before you configure SOP Manager settings, gather the following information:

The URL that you use to receive electronic SOP records from the RA.

The username and password that you use to access the RA.

The email addresses of users who should be notified when new SOP records are retrieved or when there are retrieval errors.

How often you want to automatically retrieve SOP records from the RA (in minutes).

The person(s) who will have SOPAdmin rights and the person(s) who will have SOPProcessManager rights.

The additional phases that you need to create and process SOP records.