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Tender Request functionality is designed to be utilized by clients with Collaborati Spend Management (CSM) 4.0 Update 4 and later. Collaborati Spend Management users prior to version 4.0 Update 4 (4.0.4) can examine the CSM 4.0 Update 4 release notes found here for more detail.


The Tender Request function allows for resubmission of rejected tender requests for renegotiation. The new values will appear in Collaborati after syncing with TeamConnect. The number of resubmissions allowed by TeamConnect can be set in the CSM Settings section of your TeamConnect application.

Setting Resubmission Limits

Admins and users with the necessary permissions can change the Resubmission Limits of Tender Requests by going to CSM Settings in the CSM tab and selecting Tenders.

From this screen, select Edit in Tender Settings and change the limit to your desired number. Save to finalize this change.

You will receive an error message and the tender request will not be resubmitted once this limit is reached. Users can also set the value to "0" to disallow renegotiation via resubmission of requests.

Setting Resubmission Limit

Setting Resubmission Limit

Resubmitting Tender Requests

Selecting the Revise phase will change the status to Renegotiate. Syncing with Collaborati will return the request to the vendor. Users should remember that, in TeamConnect, Selected is the chosen term for approved requests, while not selected shows for rejected requests.