Tender Request functionality is designed to be utilized by clients with Collaborati Spend Management (CSM) 4.0 Update 4 and later. Collaborati Spend Management users prior to version 4.0 Update 4 (4.0.4) can examine the CSM 4.0 Update 4 release notes for more detail.
Tender requests can be added to accompany disputes in TeamConnect. These requests serve to deliver pricing offers for services to be provided for your legal department or legal needs. Tender Request functions and details can be found within this help guide.
Tender Request Screen
Changes in TeamConnect require users to sync with Collaborati for the documents and information to transfer to vendors.
The system is currently able to handle the following volume of items in a single sync:
•50 matters
•3 tender requests per matter (150 tender requests total)
•4 documents per tender request (1.25MB each, total of 5MB x 150 tender requests = 750MB total).