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TeamConnect users who belong to the CSM Admin group will have access to a CSM tab that displays a CSM Home Page. The CSM Home Page includes two Portal Panes:



The Vendors Portal Pane includes the following links:

Number of your current active Vendors and number of total Vendors you have authorized for e-billing—Click the link to view a list of Vendors

Number of New Vendors added to Collaborati, that require your authorization—Click the link to go to the Vendor authorization wizard

Go to CSM Settings—Click the link to view/edit your CSM Settings

The Timekeepers Portal Pane includes the following:

Links to active vendors who added new timekeepers that require your authorization (if applicable to your settings). If more than five such vendors are found, the system will display the links to the five who added new timekeepers most recently. Click the link to review the full list.