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Tender Request functionality is designed to be utilized by clients with Collaborati Spend Management (CSM) 4.0 Update 4 and later. Collaborati Spend Management users prior to version 4.0 Update 4 (4.0.4) can examine the CSM 4.0 Update 4 release notes found here for more detail.


Documents marked with the Tenders category are available for attachment to Tender Requests. Users can attach documents in multiple ways, including attaching documents to new requests, multiple documents and vendors at once, and attachments for existing requests.

Adding Directly to Tender Request

1.From the All tab, select Tender Requests.

2.Select the desired tender request.

3.Click Documents from the sidebar.

4.Upload documents via the Upload button on the toolbar.

5.Sync with Collaborati for these changes to be reflected.

Adding to Document Pool

1.Navigate to your Custom object.

2.Select the desired matter.

3.Click Documents from the sidebar of the Tender screen.

4.Click the Upload File button on the left of the toolbar to add documents to the pool for your object. These will automatically have the category of "Tender" applied.

These documents are not synced over with a matter. However, they can now be selected in the Copy Documents wizard detailed below.

Attaching Documents to Existing or Multiple Requests and Vendors

Users can also attach documents to an existing tender request or attach multiple documents to multiple vendors at once via the document attachment wizard.

1.Select the Custom Object.

2.Select the Matter.

3.Choose Tendering from the sidebar.

4.Select Copy Documents.


5. Select the vendor and documents. Note: Only documents added to the Documents tab of the matter will be visible. For more information, see Adding to Document Pool above.

6. Click Finish.

7. Sync with Collaborati to transfer these changes to your vendor.