1.In the Chart Type section, select Column, Bar, Pie, Line, or Area. 2.In the Group By drop-down list, choose the field you want to appear as the axis or category on the chart. All chart types, except pie, contain properties for the x-axis. If a chart has multiple data series that use a date/time field for Group By, choose a date/time field for Group By to ensure a consistent look for the x-axis. The date/time field does not have to be the same field in each data series. Examples of date/time fields are Opened On, Modified On, Closed On, and Inactive Date.
If the Group By field is not a date/time field, the same field type should be used in every data series.
3.If you select an option that is Date-related, such as Opened On, the Summarize Date By field appears so that you can specify how to group by the date. 4.If you select a category or a lookup table for the Group By field, the Summarize Item by field appears so that you can group by a category or lookup table option. 5.In the Chart Value drop-down list, choose a field for the value axis. The options in this list are the numeric options on the Data page, Results tab and are used for the value axis. In addition to numeric fields, you may use Record Count to specify a simple count of the number of detail records that make up the Group By. 6.Repeat steps 2 through 5 as necessary for each additional data series. 7.Use the Chart Properties section to complete the following as necessary for each data series: If you have chosen a Group By field, the Drill-down field appears. This field is a drop-down list of names of other reports. You can select one of them as a "sub-report". The user who is running the current report can click on an element in the current graphical output (a bar, a pie slice, etc.), and this click action triggers execution of the sub-report that you have chosen. This sub-report uses the clicked-upon Group By as a parameter to limit the sub-report output to just that one category.
oA sub-report only appears in the Drill-down list if that sub-report has at least one parameter that is the same datatype as the Group By field. When your current report is grouping records by date, and it presents data by exact date, then the sub-report must have at least one parameter of the Date datatype. If your current report presents data by month, quarter, or year, then the sub-report must have at least two Date parameters to be eligible to be shown in your choice of reports for drill-down.
oOnce you have selected a sub-report in the Drill-down list, the parameters of that sub-report are displayed and you must specify settings for each parameter. If there are multiple parameters, you may choose between settings Use group-by value (when available) or Use default value. At least one of the parameters must be set to Use group-by value. 8.(optional) In the Chart Properties section, add or edit the appropriate options. The options that you see in this section depend on the type of chart that you select. See Chart Page, Chart Properties Section for field descriptions. 9.In the Data Ranking section, complete the following options if desired. Ranking is based on the first Chart Value selected in the Chart Data section. oIn the Show Results list, select one of the following: ▪All: Displays all results in no particular order. This is the default. ▪Top: Display results in ascending order. ▪Bottom: Display results in descending order. oIf you selected Top or Bottom, in the Maximum Number of Results box, enter a number to define the number of results to display and in what order, such at Top 5 or Bottom 50. You can enter a number greater than 0, and less than 100. 10.Select a save option. |