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Use the Chart page to specify the visual characteristics of the report.

When using graphical charts, it is recommended that you match the type of data to the appropriate type of chart. For example, if you want to show trends over a period of time, it is best to use a line chart instead of a pie chart because a pie chart is designed to display information for a specific moment in time only.

The Chart page presents a Chart Data block for each data series in the report.

Using the Chart Page

Some chart types aren't effective with certain kinds of data series. Be sure to choose an appropriate type. See Types of Report Formats for more information.

Note: If there are a very large number of records that fit the filter criteria, the chart will only show the number of search results that your TeamConnect administrator specified in the search results limit setting. For example, if the administrator specified a limit of 3000 search results, but there are 4400 records that fit your filter criteria, then the chart will be based on only 3000 records.

The tables below contain the default fields for the Reports Chart page, Chart Properties section. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings, assigned rights, and the type of chart that you are using.

The examples below show a Chart page and the resulting chart based on the selected options:

Sample Chart Page

Sample Chart Page

Sample Resulting Chart

Sample Resulting Chart