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Rate requests are requests with proposed hourly rates that vendors submit through Collaborati. After you receive these requests, you can approve them, with or without proposing another rate, or reject them. You can also include comments to the vendor.

Note: Vendors can only send rates if rate collaboration is enabled. You find out if rate collaboration is enabled on the Default Rates page of the CSM Settings. The Rate Collaboration field will display On or Off. If it displays Off and you wish to activate rate collaboration, contact Mitratech Support.

If you approve a Timekeeper Rate or Invoice Task Rate, the rate displays on the Rates page of the timekeeper's contact record. If you approve a Vendor Rate, the rate displays on the Rates page of the vendor record. If the time period of an existing rate of the same type overlaps with the rates in the request, the original rate updates without the conflicting dates.

Note: If rate requests display an approval status when your system receives them, contact the system administrator to activate the rate request approval rule.