Rate requests are requests with proposed hourly rates that vendors submit through Collaborati. After you receive these requests, you can approve them, with or without proposing another rate, or reject them. You can also include comments to the vendor.
Note: Vendors can only send rates if rate collaboration is enabled. You find out if rate collaboration is enabled on the Default Rates page of the CSM Settings. The Rate Collaboration field will display On or Off. If it displays Off and you wish to activate rate collaboration, contact Mitratech Support.
If you approve a Timekeeper Rate or Invoice Task Rate, the rate displays on the Rates page of the timekeeper's contact record. If you approve a Vendor Rate, the rate displays on the Rates page of the vendor record. If the time period of an existing rate of the same type overlaps with the rates in the request, the original rate updates without the conflicting dates.
Note: If rate requests display an approval status when your system receives them, contact the system administrator to activate the rate request approval rule.
Note: For the most up-to-date rate requests, sync CSM with Collaborati. For more information about synchronization, see Starting or Stopping CSM Synchronization with Collaborati.
1.From the vendor record, click the Rate Requests link in the left pane. 2.Click the link for a rate request. 3.From the Rate page for the request, you can see the fields in the Rate Requests Page table. 4.Select a save option to save your comments. |
Request Name
A descriptive name the vendor gave the request.
The vendor who submitted the request.
Requested Date
The date the vendor submitted the request.
Requested By
The name of the user who submitted the request.
Approval Status
One of the following values:
•Submitted or Pending Approval—The vendor sent the request, but you have not performed any actions on it yet. •Rejected—You rejected the request. •Approved—You approved the request. •Canceled—The vendor canceled the request. •Error—An error occurred, which can happen after you approve the request if something in your system conflicts with the request. Update your system to approve the request again. |
No. of Timekeepers
The number of timekeepers rates associated with this request.
No. of Tasks
The number of task rates associated with this request.
A pull-down field for selecting the type of rates you want to view. See the description of the Type field for explanations of each.
A status that displays whether or not individual rates have been accepted as part of the request. The request can still be approved, even if a rate is not accepted.
The name of the timekeeper, if it applies, associated with the rate.
TK Code
The task code, if it applies, associated with the rate.
The type of rate:
•Timekeeper rate—A rate for the timekeeper. •Invoice task rate—A rate for a specific task code for a timekeeper. •Vendor rate—A vendor rate for a task code or type of timekeeper classification. |
The currency type of the rate.
The current hourly rate if one exists for the timekeeper, code, and date range. This field also displays if the rate item is invalid.
The proposed rate the vendor submitted.
The rate amount that you approve. This amount can be the Proposed rate or a new rate that you enter.
The percentage difference between the Current rate and the Approved rate.
Start Date
The start date of the time period for the rate.
End Date
The end date of the time period for the rate.
Vendor Notes
Notes the vendor included for this rate.
Notes you can enter for this rate.
Vendor Comments
Comments the vendor included for this request.
Comments you can enter for this request.
Note: You can also approve rate requests from the My Approvals page. If you approve rate requests from My Approvals, you must still complete steps 1-7 to accept the rate items.
1.From the Rate Requests page, click the link for a rate request. 2.Click the Edit button. 3.To edit a rate, under the Approved column, enter a new number for the rate. 4.Under the Accepted column for Rate Items, place a check-mark in the check-box of each rate you want to approve. If you decide not to accept a rate, you can still approve the rate request. The request will indicate which rates you do not approve.
5.(Optional) Under the Notes column, enter reasons you made a change or did not accept a rate. 6.(Optional) In the Comments field for the request, enter additional notes. 7.From the save drop-down, select Save & View. 8.Click the Approve button. 9.Click the Confirm Approval button on the popup.
1.From the Rate Requests page, click the link for a rate request. 2.Click the Reject button. 3.Click the Confirm Rejection button on the popup. |