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Use the Budgets page to view the current budgets for the Matters and Vendors that are billed in an invoice. This page is useful to see how approving an invoice will affect the Budget.

The Budgets page only appears in the default Invoice object view. You may also add the Invoice Budget Screen Block to a custom object view. See Defining Object Views for more information.

The Budgets page is read-only, but you can access the referenced Matter by clicking its link in the Matter Name column.

The Budgets page has three sections:

Invoice Budget Summary—This section contains the Total Current Budgeted, Current Budgeted Remaining, and Total Spend to Date values. All three fields are based on the Vendor budget (the total amount of vendor-specific budgets for the vendor being invoiced).

Matter Budgets—For each matter that is referenced in the invoice line items, you can view the total of the matter budget by both fees and expenses. If you have a time-based budget, you will only see a total value, and not information on vendor or fees and expenses.

Vendor Budgets—For the vendor that is referenced in the invoice line items, you can view the vendor budget for the current fiscal period by fees and expenses.

In the Matter Budgets and Vendor Budgets sections, the rows can be expanded to see the information at the lower level in the hierarchy.

Budgets Page Field Descriptions

The field descriptions in the Invoice Budgets Page Fields table apply to both the Matter Budget and Vendor Budget sections on the Budgets page.