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This document details the upgrade information, new features, resolved issues, and known issues that are included in TeamConnect 4.0 Update 5.

1Upgrading to 4.0 Update 5

You must be using one of the following TeamConnect versions in order to upgrade:

3.0 SP1

3.0 SP1 Update 1


3.1 Update 1

3.1 SP1

3.1 SP1 Update 1

3.1 SP1 Update 2


3.2 Update 1

3.2 Update 2


3.3 Update 1

3.3 Update 2

3.3 SP1

3.3 SP2

3.3 SP3

3.3 SP3 Update 1

3.3 SP3 Update 2

3.3 SP3 Update 3

3.3 SP3 Update 4

3.3 SP3 Update 5

3.3 SP3 Update 6

3.3 SP3 Update 7

3.3 SP3 Update 8

3.3 SP3 Update 9

3.3 SP3 Update 10

3.3 SP3 Update 11

3.3 SP3 Update 12

3.3 SP3 Update 13

3.3 SP3 Update 14

3.3 SP3 Update 15

3.3 SP3 Update 16

3.3 SP3 Update 17

3.3 SP3 Update 18


3.4 Update 1

3.4 Update 2

3.4 Update 3

3.4 Update 4

3.4 Update 5

3.4 Update 6

3.4 Update 7

3.4 Update 8

3.4 SP1

3.4 SP1 Update 1

3.4 SP1 Update 2

3.4 SP1 Update 3

3.4 SP1 Update 4

3.4 SP1 Update 5

3.4 SP1 Update 6

3.4 SP1 Update 7

3.4 SP1 Update 8

3.4 SP1 Update 9

3.4 SP1 Update 10

3.4 SP1 Update 11

3.4 SP1 Update 12

3.4 SP1 Update 13

3.4 SP1 Update 14

3.4 SP1 Update 15

3.4 SP1 Update 16

3.4 SP1 Update 17


4.0 Update 1

4.0 Update 2

4.0 Update 3

4.0 Update 4

To upgrade to TeamConnect 4.0 Update 5, run the TeamConnect Installer as described in the TeamConnect Enterprise Installation Guide.

2Changes and Enhancements

The following items are changes or enhancements built into TeamConnect 4.0 Update 5:


Issue: Admins can restrict export, download, and print actions based on user rights.

Tracking code: TDBE-1849; TDBE-1846


Issue: All exports and downloads from TeamConnect are logged.

Tracking code: TDBE-1847


3Resolved Issues


This section describes the issues that are resolved in the TeamConnect 4.0 Update 5 release. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the issue

Internal tracking code

The patch the issue was originally fixed in, if applicable


Issue: Adding a fiscal year in budget creation wizard threw error.

Tracking code: TDBE-2611; TDBE-2569


Issue: Users were unable to create rule qualifiers when using multi-value list fields.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10995

Case number: 2015-0320-128328


Issue: CustomTool API could not use the get/setBlockValueForKey methods to replace old DLToolPageDetail methods.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8370

Case number: 2014-1216-120150


Issue: Jboss errors occurred after up TeamConnect from 3.4 SP1 Update 11 to 4.0 Update 3.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11313

Case number: 2015-0327-128903


Issue: After completing child object creation via wizard, users were unable to navigate back to parent object.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11763

Case number: 2015-0416-130866


Issue: Documents moved from public matter to private matter did not inherit private matter security.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11071


Issue: Multiple invoice validation rules did not trigger if the invoice met more than one rule condition.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10234

Case number: 2015-0227-126357


Issue: Multi-value fields did not work as intended when added to embedded objects.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11176

Case number: 2015-0325-128677