This document details the upgrade information, new features, resolved issues, and known issues that are included in TeamConnect 4.0 Update 4.
1Upgrading to 4.0 Update 4
You must be using one of the following TeamConnect versions in order to upgrade:
•3.0 SP1
•3.0 SP1 Update 1
•3.1 Update 1
•3.1 SP1
•3.1 SP1 Update 1
•3.1 SP1 Update 2
•3.2 Update 1
•3.2 Update 2
•3.3 Update 1
•3.3 Update 2
•3.3 SP1
•3.3 SP2
•3.3 SP3
•3.3 SP3 Update 1
•3.3 SP3 Update 2
•3.3 SP3 Update 3
•3.3 SP3 Update 4
•3.3 SP3 Update 5
•3.3 SP3 Update 6
•3.3 SP3 Update 7
•3.3 SP3 Update 8
•3.3 SP3 Update 9
•3.3 SP3 Update 10
•3.3 SP3 Update 11
•3.3 SP3 Update 12
•3.3 SP3 Update 13
•3.3 SP3 Update 14
•3.3 SP3 Update 15
•3.3 SP3 Update 16
•3.3 SP3 Update 17
•3.3 SP3 Update 18
•3.4 Update 1
•3.4 Update 2
•3.4 Update 3
•3.4 Update 4
•3.4 Update 5
•3.4 Update 6
•3.4 Update 7
•3.4 Update 8
•3.4 SP1
•3.4 SP1 Update 1
•3.4 SP1 Update 2
•3.4 SP1 Update 3
•3.4 SP1 Update 4
•3.4 SP1 Update 5
•3.4 SP1 Update 6
•3.4 SP1 Update 7
•3.4 SP1 Update 8
•3.4 SP1 Update 9
•3.4 SP1 Update 10
•3.4 SP1 Update 11
•3.4 SP1 Update 12
•3.4 SP1 Update 13
•3.4 SP1 Update 14
•3.4 SP1 Update 15
•3.4 SP1 Update 16
•3.4 SP1 Update 17
•4.0 Update 1
•4.0 Update 2
•4.0 Update 3
To upgrade to TeamConnect 4.0 Update 4, run the TeamConnect Installer as described in the TeamConnect Enterprise Installation Guide.
2Resolved Issues
This section describes the issues that are resolved in the TeamConnect 4.0 Update 4 release. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:
•A description of the issue
•Internal tracking code
•The patch the issue was originally fixed in, if applicable
2.1API Issues
Issue: The getDisplayString()’, ‘getName()’, ‘getStoredValue()’ from the CustomLookupItem class did not return the Name of the LookUpItem.
Tracking code: TEAA-2799
Case number: 2015-0210-124392
Issue: TC 4.0 API returned tree positions in lieu of names of CustomLookupItems.
Tracking code: TEAA-2807
Case number: 2015-0217-124924
Issue: API did not return localized state lookuptable values.
Tracking code: TEAA-3165
Case number: 2015-0310-127278
Issue: Users attempting to retrieve country lookup items encountered API error.
Tracking code: TEAA-3109; TEAA-3157
Case number: 2015-0306-127034; 2015-0310-127275
Issue: Show/Hide functionality in Custom Screens of Screen Designer did not function in Internet Explorer 8.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9708
Case number: 2015-0121-122680
Issue: OOTB CSM rules did not function if invoice met multiple rule conditions.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10234
Case number: 2015-0226-126139
Issue: Upgrade scripts for installing TC 4.0 and later versions threw error due to column addition statements that declared type as ‘column’ rather than ‘number.’
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10310
Case number: 2015-0302-126544
Issue: TeamConnect could not connect to DataWarehouse.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6649
Case number: 2014-0527-99858
Issue: New Dispute Wizard threw system error for all categories other than Litigation.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9466
Case number: 2015-0127-123182
Issue: GUI ignored custom lookup fields and always selected the first item.
Tracking code: TEAA-3149; TEAA-3197
Case number: 2015-0306-127039; 2015-0310-127288
Issue: Dispute and transaction wizards exited instead of loading attorney selection page.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9287
Originally fixed in: TC 4.0 Update 2 Patch 3
Issue: “Finish” button at end of New Subpoena Wizard did not exit wizard.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9334
Originally fixed in: TC 4.0 Update 2 Patch 3
Issue: Schedule Action Rule unable to retrieve Rule Parameters.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10773
Case number: 2015-0311-127391
Originally fixed in: TCE 4.0 U2 Patch 5
Issue: Properties on mandatory custom fields would only display in Edit mode.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6802
Case number: 2014-0807-106932
Issue: Validation rules on matter denied addition of assignees.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8335
Case number: 2014-1110-116265
2.6Screen Designer
Issue: Hiding functionality in Custom Blocks of Screen Designer did not function as designed.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8610
Case number: 2014-1223-120749
Issue: Users were not able to modify the column width of Memo type fields in Screen Designer.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9881
Case number: 2015-0218-125127