This document details the upgrade information, new features, resolved issues, and known issues that are included in TeamConnect 4.0 Update 3.
1Upgrading to 4.0 Update 3
You must be using one of the following TeamConnect versions in order to upgrade:
•3.0 SP1
•3.0 SP1 Update 1
•3.1 Update 1
•3.1 SP1
•3.1 SP1 Update 1
•3.1 SP1 Update 2
•3.2 Update 1
•3.2 Update 2
•3.3 Update 1
•3.3 Update 2
•3.3 SP1
•3.3 SP2
•3.3 SP3
•3.3 SP3 Update 1
•3.3 SP3 Update 2
•3.3 SP3 Update 3
•3.3 SP3 Update 4
•3.3 SP3 Update 5
•3.3 SP3 Update 6
•3.3 SP3 Update 7
•3.3 SP3 Update 8
•3.3 SP3 Update 9
•3.3 SP3 Update 10
•3.3 SP3 Update 11
•3.3 SP3 Update 12
•3.3 SP3 Update 13
•3.3 SP3 Update 14
•3.3 SP3 Update 15
•3.3 SP3 Update 16
•3.3 SP3 Update 17
•3.3 SP3 Update 18
•3.4 Update 1
•3.4 Update 2
•3.4 Update 3
•3.4 Update 4
•3.4 Update 5
•3.4 Update 6
•3.4 Update 7
•3.4 Update 8
•3.4 SP1
•3.4 SP1 Update 1
•3.4 SP1 Update 2
•3.4 SP1 Update 3
•3.4 SP1 Update 4
•3.4 SP1 Update 5
•3.4 SP1 Update 6
•3.4 SP1 Update 7
•3.4 SP1 Update 8
•3.4 SP1 Update 9
•3.4 SP1 Update 10
•3.4 SP1 Update 11
•3.4 SP1 Update 12
•3.4 SP1 Update 13
•3.4 SP1 Update 14
•3.4 SP1 Update 15
•3.4 SP1 Update 16
•4.0 Update 1
•4.0 Update 2
To upgrade to TeamConnect 4.0 Update 3, run the TeamConnect Installer as described in the TeamConnect Enterprise Installation Guide.
2Resolved Issues
This section describes the issues that are resolved in the TeamConnect 4.0 Update 3 release. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:
•A description of the issue
•Internal tracking code
•The patch the issue was originally fixed in, if applicable
Issue: Apostrophes did not show correctly when using IE 8.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7538
Case number: 2014-1106-115956
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.4 SP1 U15 Patch 1
Issue: System error thrown when trying to update or create company contacts.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6912
Case number: 2014-0904-109374
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.4 SP1 Update 15
Issue: WebServices was not able to delete Primary Phone Number of Contact.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7655
Case number: 2014-1110-116327
2.3History and Logging
Issue: Unable to access log file on designer from UI.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8214
Case number: 2014-1209-118950
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.4 SP1 U13 Patch 2
Issue: TCSESSIONID and JSESSIONID values appeared in the log file.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8649
Case number: 2015-0105-121208
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.4 SP1 U13 Patch 3
Issue: Sort button on the history screen did not function.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7016
Case number: 2014-0915-110875
Issue: Invoice posting failed when route description exceeded 250 characters.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6901
Case number: 2014-0902-109221
Issue: User-invoked action on invoice caused error on AP batch file.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7011
Case number: 2014-0725-105615
Issue: Invoices without line item service date resulted in warning with no warning message.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7067
Case number: 2014-0922-111460
Issue: Invoices with line item default folders were not able to be deleted.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7092
Case number: 2014-0919-111320
Issue: Adding a non-US tax to an invoice resulted in multiple postings to unassociated invoices.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7398
Case number: 2014-1022-114558
Originally fixed in: FMR 4.0 U2
Issue: Matters in object definition were not able to be opened.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7076
Case number: 2014-0923-111530
Issue: Updates to line items changed adjustment histories.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8151
Case number: 2014-1201-118051
Issue: Adjusted Service Date custom field was not editable after creation.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6499
Case number: 2014-0623-102866
Issue: Deadlocks were present on quartz scheduler.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6700
Case number: 2014-0717-104844
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.3 SP3 U14 Patch 8
Issue: Error message contained extraneous characters.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6862
Case number: 2014-0827-108756
Issue: Group Rights page experienced a very long load time.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6876
Case number: 2014-0808-106986
Issue: Data Mapping tool did not accurately generate XML from RTF.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7035
Case number: 2014-0729-105752
Issue: Updating the time zone on a record changed dates.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7533
Case number: 2014-1023-114692
Issue: Document ‘Name’ and History ‘Description’ did not display clearly when either contained an apostrophe in their fields.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7539
Case number: 2014-1104-115776
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.4 SP1 U15 Patch 1
Issue: Users could not change portal panes in QA and UAT environments.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7702
Case number: 2014-1021-114279
Issue: Names with special characters did not render properly.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6567
Case number: 2014-0707-103897
Issue: Custom Action rules on Document objects threw errors.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7509
Case number: 2014-1104-115676
Issue: Users could not find the method to iterate the Phase Transition List of an object.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7770
Case number: 2014-1118-116992
Issue: Methods were not available in 'AccountService' Interface, 'Account' Interface to set the 'Account Type', 'Overdraft Type' on the 'Account' Object using TC 4.0 UP2 API.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9544
Case number: 2015-0203-123800
Issue: Logs for nodes did not display accurate information.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8087
Case number: 2014-1124-117729
Issue: Line item ‘UserInvoke’ rule was unable to be triggered.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6898
Case number: 2014-0901-109135
Issue: Custom Action Rules using two involved fields threw error.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7088
Case number: 2014-0923-111521
Issue: Error thrown when users attempted to trigger Custom Action rule on an Involved Object.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9781
Case number: 2015-0216-124837
Issue: Search timeout values were not able to be adjusted.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7710
Case number: 2014-1113-116647
Issue: Search API did not utilize set parameters for returning results.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7875
Case number: 2014-1121-117501
Issue: Search views that included Embedded Objects were not able to be exported.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6890
Case number: 2014-0723-105311
Issue: Search qualifiers for custom object fields did not filter results.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6892
Case number: 2014-0903-109367
Issue: Search View names including “/” caused export to fail.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6897
Case number: 2014-0905-109704
Issue: Custom search returned OR results in place of AND operator when two parties were included in search.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7900
Case number: 2014-1121-117531
Issue: Error thrown when attempting to export search results.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7910
Case number: 2014-1120-117422
Issue: Modify Search link resulted in system error.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8633
Case number: 2014-1219-120513
Issue: Searches based on Phase criteria did not function.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6937
Case number: 2014-0910-110440
Issue: Related objects could not be added to custom searches.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7167
Case number: 2014-1001-112369
Issue: User name disappeared after assigning user rights on Security tab.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7918
Case number: 2014-1124-117653
Issue: Authentication did not work when logging in using SSO.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8004
Case number: 2014-1126-117962
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.4 SP1 U13 Patch 2
Issue: Infosec upgrades caused security concerns.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8206
Case number: 2014-1205-118702
Originally fixed in: TCE 3.4 SP1 U13 Patch 2
Issue: Copying documents with public access into a private access folder still allowed for public access.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8436
Case number: 2014-1218-120363
Issue: Errors thrown when attempting to upgrade to CSM 4.0 from CSM 3.3
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7332
Case number: 2014-1021-114281
Issue: Setup Menu Bar was inaccessible after applying TCE 3.4 SP1 U13 Patch 2.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8671
Case number: 2015-0105-121207
Issue: Available Updates could not function when was blocked.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7275
Case number: 2014-0811-107219
Issue: Workflow stops expired immediately rather than at set expiration time.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7694
Case number: 2014-1113-116703
2.13 Wizards
Issue: Scheduler Wizard cancelled out by empty time field.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6577
Case number: 2014-0711-104261
Issue: ‘Significant Reason’ text box in Dispute Wizard did not display clearly.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7015
Case number: 2014-0916-111021
Issue: Data Import Wizard did not show the ‘Current As Of’ field.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7265
Case number: 2014-1012-113436