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This document details the upgrade information, new features, resolved issues, and known issues that are included in TeamConnect 4.0 Update 6.

1Upgrading to 4.0 Update 6

You must be using one of the following TeamConnect versions in order to upgrade:

3.0 SP1

3.0 SP1 Update 1


3.1 Update 1

3.1 SP1 (including any update from Update 1 and  Update 2)

3.2 (including any update from Update 1 and Update 2)

3.3 (including any update from Update 1 and Update 2)

3.3 SP1

3.3 SP2

3.3 SP3 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 18)

3.4 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 8)

3.4 SP1 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 17)

4.0 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 5)

To upgrade to TeamConnect 4.0 Update 6, run the TeamConnect Installer as described in the TeamConnect Enterprise Installation Guide.

2Resolved Issues


This section describes the issues that are resolved in the TeamConnect 4.0 Update 6 release. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the issue

Internal tracking code

The patch the issue was originally fixed in, if applicable


Issue: Jmonitor.log file was not generated.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11830

Case number: 2015-0416-130891


Issue: After saving a record, multi-value fields registered as changed even if they were not adjusted.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11946

Case number: 2015-0428-131758

Originally fixed in: TC 4.0 Update 5 Patch 1


Issue: Audit trails for multi-value fields did not provide accurate descriptions.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11160

Case number: 2015-0325-128648

Originally fixed in: TC 4.0 Update 5 Patch 1


Issue: History description did not capture changes for custom fields.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11361

Case number: 2015-0325-128668


Issue: Screen Designer ‘Show/Hide’ functionality not functioning in IE-8.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-9708

Case number: 2015-0121-122680

Originally fixed in: TC 4.0 Update 5 Patch 2


Issue: Sensitive information could be present in logs.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13152

Case number: 2015-0601-135897


Issue: Search View filter condition for Assignee/Main Assignee did not function as designed.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13039

Case number: 2015-0521-135183


Issue: Column sorting on Workflow Processes screen did not function.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10168

Case number: 2015-0224-125799



Issue: User is unable to add users and groups to have rights on any object that has security set.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11798

Case number: 2015-0420-131071


Issue: Security rights were not visible after being assigned to a record.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-12070

Case number: 2015-0501-132147


Issue: After adding User Rights or Group Rights to a record, the rights were not saved and added.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13487

Case number: 2015-0617-137275


Issue: Invoice link in email approval went to home page rather than invoice.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13120

Case number: 2015-0410-130120


Issue: Error message thrown when users attempted to use budgeting.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10130

Case number: 2015-0224-125974


Issue: Error message thrown when attempting to move through conditional workflow.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13176

Case number: 2015-0603-136167


Issue: Invoice did not move through the entire approval route.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13415

Case number: 2015-0609-136504


Issue: System error thrown when trying to update records with multiple custom fields of type multi-value list with values selected.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13998

Case number: 2015-0710-139337