In addition to the Documents tab where you can save any document, all records have a Documents page where you can save documents to that record. When working with documents in the API, you have the ability to perform the same functionality that you can use with documents in TeamConnect. Use the DocumentService class to access with documents in the API.
The API provides the following model interfaces for documents:
•The Document class, which contains information about a document. A document is anything that can appear in the documents list.
•The Folder class, which contains information about a document folder.
•The Hyperlink class, which contains a hyperlink.
•The Shortcut class, which contains a shortcut.
•The File class, which contains information about a file.
•The FileContentType class, which contains information about the file type of a document.
•The FileVersion class, which contains information for a file version.
Refer to the DocumentService samples for examples of working with documents in the API.