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Use DocumentService when working with document records.

Whenever a Service operation requires DocumentService, set up DocumentService using the following code:

DocumentService documentService = platform.getDocumentService();

Creating a Document Record

The following sample creates a document. During document creation, you can add the document to a folder, create a shortcut for the folder, and check in the file, among other things.

DocumentService documentService = platform.getDocumentService();


// Get attachment folder of a record

Folder attachmentFolder = documentService.getAttachmentFolderForDocumentOwner(getRecord());


// Create a folder under the attachment folder

Folder folder = attachmentFolder.addFolder("New Folder");


// Create a file directly under the attachment folder

FileContentType contentType = platform.getLookupItemService().getFileContentTypeByFileExtension("txt");

byte[] fileContent = new byte[0];

File file = attachmentFolder.addFile("New File", fileContent, contentType);


// Create a hyperlink

Hyperlink hyperlink = folder.addHyperlink("Mitratech", "");


// Create a shortcut to a folder

Shortcut shortcutToFolder = folder.addShortcut(folder);


// Create a shortcut to a file

Shortcut shortcutToFile = folder.addShortcut(file);


//Checkout file



//Checkin file

documentService.checkIn(file, fileContent, "check in comment");

Reading a Document Using its Path

The following sample returns a document using its folder path.

// Returns a document from the repository using its folder path

Document document = documentService.findDocumentByPath("path");

Retrieving the Root Folder

The following sample returns the root document folder.

// Returns the root document folder

Folder rootFolder = documentService.getRootFolder();

Copying a Document

The following sample copies a document to a new folder.

// Returns an exact duplicate of a given entity object

Document duplicateDocument = documentService.copyEntity(originalDocument);


// Copies a document to a new parent folder

documentService.copyDocument(document, parentFolder);

Moving a Document

The following sample moves a document to a new folder.

// Changes the location of a file

documentService.moveDocument(document, parentFolder);

Checking Out a Document

The following sample checks out a file and locks it so that other users cannot check it out.

// Checks out and locks a file for a single user to update


Undoing a Document Checkout

The following sample reverses a document checkout. The document remains unchanged and has no version number.

// Reverses the checkout of a file.


Checking in a Document

The following sample checks in a document by converting the existing file to the new file version and replacing the file contents the byte array of the new contents.

// Checks in a file.

documentService.checkIn(file, data, "versionText");

Reverting a Document to a Previous Version

The following sample reverts a document to a previous version by converting the existing file to a different file version and replacing the file contents with the byte array of the new contents.

// Revert a document to a prior version

FileVersion version = documentService.getFileVersions(file).get(0);
