WObjdProjectInfo represents a custom project object definition, such as whether the project is contact-centric, embedded, requires a parent project, and various numbering pattern properties. This table links to lists of phases and phase transitions that have been defined for this object.
Object: WObjdProjectInfo (Y_APPLICATION)
Attribute |
Database column name |
Field in UI |
End of path |
Bridge |
Links to object table: |
Data type |
Comments |
Commonly used in: |
Rules |
Temp/Wiz |
autoNumPattern |
Pattern (Unique ID tab) |
x |
string (250) |
Indicates the pattern used for auto-numbering. |
autoNumSequence |
Next Sequence Number (Unique ID tab) |
x |
int |
Indicates the next number in the sequence for auto-numbering. |
childList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the child and embedded object definitions for this custom object definition. |
conditionTypeIID |
Unique ID tab |
x |
int |
Indicates how instances of this object definition will be uniquely identified: 0 - Auto numbering 1 - Pattern of object attributes 2 - Entered manually by user 3 - Default numbering (will be hidden from the user) |
displayFormatIID |
Name tab |
x |
int |
Indicates whether the object definition has been set to use a pattern of attributes for automatic naming. 5 - Allow users to enter name manually 6 - Name constructed from a pattern of attributes |
displayOrder |
Order (General tab) |
x |
int |
Indicates the order in which the custom object should appear in the user interface drop-down lists. |
formatIID |
Format information in Unique ID tab |
x |
int |
Indicates how the instances of this object definition should be displayed in the UI: 1 - Name 2 - Number 3 - Name - Number 4 - Number - Name |
isAutoNumEditable |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether users are able to edit the number |
isAutoNumEnabled |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the custom object definition is set to be autonumbered. |
isContactCentric |
Contact-centric (General tab) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the custom object definition is contact-centric. |
isEmbedded |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the custom object definition is embedded. |
isNotDisplayedInMenu |
Do not show this child object definition in the All Services menu (General tab) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the child custom object definition appears in the All Services menu drop-down lists or is available only through parent records. |
isParentRequired |
Parent Custom Object Required (General tab) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether instances of the custom object definition require a parent. |
listDisplayTypeIID |
Options in List Display tab of embedded object definition |
x |
int |
For an embedded custom object definition, indicates how the embedded object records appear in the UI: 0 - Search view 1 - Batch view |
parent--> |
Parent Custom Object (General tab) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Indicates the custom object definition that is the parent of this custom object definition. --> Links to information about the parent custom object definition. |
phaseList--> |
n/a |
Phases tab |
x |
Links to the list of phases that have been defined for this object definition. |
phaseTransitionList--> |
n/a |
Phase Transitions tab |
x |
Links to the list of phase transitions that have been defined for this object definition. |
primaryKey |
x |
int |
The primary key of the object definition. |
role |
ROLE (VARCHAR2) (250) |
Role (General tab) |
x |
If the object definition is contact-centric, indicates the label for the contact field. |
rootAssigneeType--> |
x |
x |
object |
8 Indicates the root node of the assignee role lookup table. --> Links to information about the assignee role. |
selectionDisplayTypeIID |
Default selection mechanism (General tab) |
x |
int |
Indicates which selection mechanism is the default for this object definition: 1 - Drop-down list 2 - Search module |
version |
x |
int |
Number that indicates how many times the object definition has been updated. |