WObjdDetailField contains information about custom fields defined for a category, which includes the field name, default value, field type (such as Text or Number), label, corresponding database name, whether or not it is included in Data Warehouse, whether or not it is required, and category to which the custom field belongs. This table represents the Custom Fields block on the Custom Fields tab of an object definition.
Object: WObjdDetailField (Y_OBJ_DETAIL_FIELD)
Attribute |
Database column name |
Field in UI |
End of path |
Bridge |
Links to object table: |
Data type |
Comments |
Commonly used in: |
Rules |
Temp/Wiz |
defaultValue |
Default Value (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
longString |
The default value of the custom field. |
detailFieldTypeIID |
Field Type (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
int |
Specifies the custom field type, which is either: 1 - Text 2 - Number 3 - Date Field 4 - Scroll Text 5 - Check Box 6 - List 8 - Involved 9 - Memo Text 10 - Label Only 11 - Custom Object |
extraInfo |
Label (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
string (50) |
The label of the custom field. |
invlCategory--> |
The list for selecting involved role, if field is of type Involved (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
x |
object |
The involved role selection for the custom field, if it is of type Involved. |
isDataMart |
Include in Data Warehouse (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the field is to be included in the Data Warehouse tables. |
isExcludedFromCu stomSearch |
Is Excluded from Custom Search? (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the custom field is hidden when constructing custom searches, or not. |
isRequired |
Is Required? (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the custom field is required or not. |
isTimeZoneIndepe ndent |
Is Time Zone Independent (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the custom field of date datatype is adjusted in the UI for the end user's timezone (FALSE), or not (TRUE). |
name |
NAME (VARCHAR2) (30) |
Field Name (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
string (30) |
The database name for the custom field. |
objectQualifier |
Qualifier (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
string (2000) |
The qualifier path that is used to filter the available records for the custom field, if the field is of type Custom Object. |
owner--> |
For Category (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
x |
object |
8 The category to which this custom field belongs. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
primaryKey |
x |
int |
Unique ID for the custom field. |
searchView |
Search View (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
object |
Available only for custom fields of type Involved or Custom Object. |
table--> |
The list for selecting a lookup table, if the field is of type List (Custom Fields tab, Object Definition) |
x |
x |
object |
Specifies the custom lookup table linked to the custom field, if the field is of type List. |
version |
x |
int |
Number that indicates how many times the custom field has been updated. |