TAccount contains the general information for an account record including the account's allocation amount and limit, used amount, and activity status. This information also includes expense information, default category, posting criteria, and so on. This table also links to the list of custom fields created for the account categories and other related information contained in other tables.
Object: TAccount (T_ACCOUNT)
Attribute |
Database column name |
Field in UI |
End of path |
Bridge |
Links to object table: |
Data type |
Comments |
Commonly used in: |
Rules |
Temp/Wiz |
accountInvolvedType Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applTypeInvolvedIID |
Post Account to Involved (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
Enum |
Specifies whether the involved is associated to a specific project or to any project. 1 - Any (ANY) 2 - One (ONE) |
x |
x |
accountOverdraftType Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: overdraftTypeIID |
Overdraft Type (General block) |
x |
Enum |
Specifies what happens when there are not enough funds to cover the manual withdrawals, transfers, or automatically posted transactions. 1 - Do not allow negative account (NONNEGATIVE) 2 - Allow negative account (ALLOW_NEGATIVE) 3 - Automatic overdraft protection (OVERDRAFT) |
x |
x |
accountProjectType Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applTypeProjectIID |
Post Project to this Account (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
Enum |
Indicates whether to post transactions associated to a specific project, any project, or a project of a specific category. 1 - Any (ANY_PROJECT) 2 - One (ONE_PROJECT)) 3 - By Type (BY_TYPE) |
x |
x |
accountVendorType Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applTypeVendorIID |
Post Account to Vendor (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
Enum |
Indicates whether to post transactions associated to a specific vendor or any vendor. 1 - Any (ANY_VENDOR) 2 - One (ONE_VENDOR) |
x |
x |
allocated |
Total Allocated (General block) |
x |
decimal |
Total amount of money allocated to the account through deposits or automatic transfers. |
x |
x |
allocationLimit |
Allocation Limit (General block) |
x |
decimal |
Total amount of funds allowed to be allocated to the account records as specified by the user. |
x |
x |
accrual |
Total Accruals (General block) |
x |
decimal |
Total amount of accrual invoices that have been posted to this account, to date. Takes into account voids of accrual invoices. |
x |
x |
applProjDetailField--> |
Currently not used. |
autoPost Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: isAutoPost |
Allow Posting (General block) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether expense, task, and invoice line item transactions can be posted to the account. 0 - Do not post 1 - Post |
x |
x |
available |
Balance (General block) |
x |
decimal |
Account balance, which results from the following equation: allocated - used = available |
categories--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: detailList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
In Object Navigator, links to Category list which appears in the UI only. |
8 The list of categories added to the current object. --> In the object model, the added categories link to the values that have been added for custom fields, according to field type. --> In Object Navigator, this attribute is enhanced. It links to a list of all categories defined for the object definition, rather than those added to the current object. From there, you can select a category and traverse to the list of custom fields that belong to it. |
createdBy--> |
Created By (Security block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 User who created the account. --> Links to specific information about the user account. |
createdOn |
Created On (Security block) |
x |
date |
Date and time the account was created. |
x |
createdOnBehalfOf |
x |
object |
When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
X |
defaultCategory--> |
Default Category (indicated by a blue diamond - Categories block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Default category for the account. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
documentFolder--> |
Documents block |
x |
object |
Links to specific information about the document folder. |
EndOn Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applEndOn |
Period ends on: (General block) |
x |
date |
Specifies the date after which transactions cannot be posted to the account. |
x |
x |
expenseCategory--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applExpeCategory--> |
Post Expenses of Category (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Expense category specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
x |
x |
expensePercent Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applExpePercent |
Expense Percent (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
decimal |
Percentage of the total expense amount allowed to be posted to the account. |
x |
x |
groupAccessList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the group security information entered through the Security block of the record. |
historyList--> |
n/a |
History tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of all histories that are added to the account record. --> Links to specific history information for all of the account's history records. |
x |
active Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: iisActive |
Status (General block) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether the account is currently active or inactive. 0 - Inactive 1 - Active |
x |
x |
allowExpense Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: iisApplExpense |
Post Expenses to this Account (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether expense transactions can be posted to the account. 0 - Do not post 1 - Post |
x |
x |
allowInvoiceExpense Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: iisApplLineExpense |
Post Invoice Expenses to this Account (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether invoice line item transactions of type Expense can be posted to the account. 0 - Do not post 1 - Post |
x |
x |
iallowInvoiceTask Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: isApplLineTask |
Post Invoice Tasks to this Account (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether invoice line item transactions of type Task can be posted to the account. 0 - Do not post 1 - Post |
x |
x |
allowTask Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: iisApplTask |
Post Tasks to this Account (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether task transactions can be posted to the account. 0 - Do not post 1 - Post |
x |
x |
invoiceExpenseCategory--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applLineExpeCategory--> |
Post Invoice Expense of Category (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Expense category for an invoice line item that is specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
x |
x |
invoiceExpensePercent Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applLineExpePercent |
Invoice Expense Percent (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
decimal |
Percentage of the total expense line item amount allowed to be posted to the account. |
x |
x |
invoiceTaskCategory Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applLineTaskCategory--> |
Post Invoice Tasks of Type (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Task category for an invoice line item that is specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
x |
x |
invoiceTaskPercent Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applLineTaskPercent |
Invoice Task Percent (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
decimal |
Percent of the task invoice line item allowed to be posted to the account. Note: This column is populated only when allowInvoiceTask is set to 1. |
x |
x |
applInvcNonUSTaxType--> |
Non-US Tax Type |
x |
object |
8 The tax type category associated with the tax amount. |
x |
x |
applInvcNonUSTaxPercent |
Non-US Tax Percent (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
decimal |
Percentage of the total non-US tax amount allowed to be posted to the account. |
x |
x |
involved--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applInvolved--> |
This Involved (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 The contact involved in the project who is specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to the specific information about the contact object. |
x |
x |
modifiedBy--> |
Modified By (Security block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 User who most recently modified the account. --> Links to specific information about the user account. |
modifiedOn |
Modified On (Security block) |
x |
date |
Date and time the account was most recently modified. |
name |
NAME (VARCHAR2) (250) |
Name (General block) |
x |
string (250) |
Name used to describe the account. |
x |
note--> |
Notes (General block) |
x |
object |
Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record. |
parentAccount--> |
Parent Account (General block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 The account that is specified as the parent of this account. --> Links to specific information about the account record. |
x |
x |
primaryKey |
x |
int |
The unique ID of the account record. |
project Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applProject |
This Project (Posting Criteria tab) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Project that is specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to specific information about the project record. |
x |
x |
projectCategory--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applProjCategory--> |
Post Projects of Type (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Project category specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
x |
x |
securityTypeIID |
Security Type (Security block) |
x |
int |
Specifies whether the account is public or private. 0 - Public (PUBLIC) 2 - Private (PRIVATE) |
startOn Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applStartOn |
Account period begins: (General block) |
x |
date |
Specifies the start date from which transactions can be posted to the account. |
x |
x |
taskCategory--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applTaskCategory--> |
Post Tasks of Type (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Task category specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to the definition information of the category. |
x |
x |
taskPercent Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applTaskPercent |
Task Percent (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
decimal |
Percentage of the total task amount allowed to be posted to the account. |
x |
x |
iisApplInvcStandard |
Post Invoice Type |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether standard invoices can be posted to the account. 0 - No 1 - Yes |
x |
x |
iisApplInvcAccrual |
Post Invoice Type |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether accrual invoices can be posted to the account. 0 - No 1 - Yes |
x |
x |
iisApplInvcCreditNote |
Post Invoice Type |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether credit notes can be posted to the account. 0 - No 1 - Yes |
x |
x |
iisApplInvcShadow |
Post Invoice Type |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether shadow invoices can be posted to the account. 0 - No 1 - Yes |
x |
x |
iisApplInvcNonUSTax |
Post Non-US Tax |
x |
boolean |
Indicates whether non-US tax amounts can be posted to the account. 0 - No 1 - Yes |
x |
x |
treeKey |
x |
string (700) |
The chain of primary keys that identifies the parent tree of the account. Used for searching and reporting purposes only. |
type Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: typeIID |
Account Type (General block) |
x |
Enum |
Indicates the account type. 1 - Budget (BUDGET) 2 - Reserve (RESERVE) |
x |
x |
used |
Total Used (General block) |
x |
decimal |
Total amount of money used through transfers, withdrawals, and posted transactions. |
x |
userAccessList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the user security information entered through the Security block of the record. |
vendor Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: applVendor |
This Vendor (Posting Criteria block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 Contact specified as the posting criterion for the account. --> Links to the specific information about the contact object. |
x |
x |
version |
x |
int |
Indicates how many times the account record was updated. |
postedType |
x |
int |
Indicates which types of transactions have previously posted to this account. 0 - None (NONE_POSTED) 1 - Non-shadow (NON_SHADOW_POSTED) 2 - Shadow invoices (SHADOW_POSTED) |
x |
x |