TContact contains general information for contact records. This information includes the contact's name, birth date, default category, driver license number, title, Social Security number or Tax ID, the company the person works for, whether the contact is a person or a company, and so on. It also links to the lists of addresses, fax and phone numbers, rates, and skills.
However, the default address, default phone, default email, and so on are identified by specific attributes of TContact, rather than through the listing attributes (for example, addressList--> and faxList-->).
Object: TContact (T_CONTACT)
Attribute |
Database column name |
Field in UI |
End of path |
Bridge |
Links to object table: |
Data type |
Comments |
Commonly used in: |
Rules |
Temp/Wiz |
addresses--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: addressList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
object |
8 The list of all addresses that are added to the contact. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all addresses for the contact. Select this attribute when you want to access items belonging to an address, such as city or state, or when you need to access address types. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Address Type that allows you to filter the addresses based on a type, if desired. |
x |
alias |
Alias/Nickname (General block) |
x |
string |
The contact's nickname (for individual contact and company contact). |
x |
x |
birthdate Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: birthDate |
Date of Birth (General block) |
x |
date |
The birth date of the contact. Time-zone-independent. |
x |
company--> |
Company (General block) |
x |
x |
int |
8 The company associated with the contact, if the contact is a person. --> Links to specific information about the company contact record. |
x |
x |
createdBy--> |
Created By (Security block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 The user who created the contact record. --> Links to specific information for the user account. |
x |
x |
createdOn |
Created On (Security block) |
x |
date |
Date the contact record was created. |
x |
x |
createdOnBehalfOf |
x |
object |
When not null, it indicates that the record was created through an e-billing system or other external application. The contact referenced will often be a vendor in TeamConnect. |
X |
currency--> |
Currency (Rates block) |
x |
object |
8 The selected currency for the contact, which applies to the contact's rates. --> Links to the definition information of the currency. |
primaryAddress--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: defaultAddress--> |
Indicated by a blue diamond |
x |
x |
object |
8 The selected default address for the contact. --> Links to specific information entered for the default address. |
x |
x |
defaultCategory--> |
Indicated by a blue diamond (Categories block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 The selected default category for the contact. --> Links to specific information for the default category. |
x |
x |
primaryEmailAddress--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: defaultEmail--> |
Indicated by a blue diamond |
x |
x |
object |
8 The selected default email address for the contact. --> Links to specific information entered for the default email address. |
x |
x |
primaryFaxNumber--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: defaultFax--> |
Indicated by a blue diamond |
x |
x |
object |
8 The selected default fax number for the contact. --> Links to specific information entered for the default fax number. |
x |
x |
primaryInternetAddress--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: defaultInetAddress--> |
Indicated by a blue diamond |
x |
x |
object |
8 The selected default internet address for the contact. --> Links to specific information entered for the default internet address. |
x |
x |
primaryPhoneNumber--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: defaultPhone--> |
Indicated by a blue diamond |
x |
x |
object |
8 The selected default phone number for the contact. --> Links to specific information entered for the default phone number. |
x |
x |
defaultRate--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: defaultRateValue |
Default Rate Value (Rates block) |
x |
decimal |
The default rate value for the contact. |
x |
x |
detailList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
In Object Navigator, links to Category list which appears in the UI only. |
8 The list of categories added to the current object. --> In the object model, the added categories link to the values that have been added for custom fields, according to field type. --> In Object Navigator, this attribute is enhanced. It links to a list of all categories defined for the object definition, rather than those added to the current object. From there, you can select a category and traverse to the list of custom fields that belong to it. |
x |
x |
distributionList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the list of all members in a contact group (Address Book). From there, you can access the information about a contact group, such as whether it is public or private. |
documentFolder--> |
Documents block |
x |
object |
Links to the document folder that belongs to the contact. |
driverLicense |
State Driver's License (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
The contact's driver license number. |
x |
emailAddresses--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: emailList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
8 The list of all email addresses that are added to the contact. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all email addresses of the contact. Select this attribute when you want to access email address types. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Email Type that allows you to filter the email addresses based on a type, if desired. |
x |
faxNumbers--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: faxList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
8 The list of all fax numbers that are added to the contact. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all fax numbers of the contact. Select this attribute when you want to access fax number types. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Fax Type that allows you to filter the fax numbers based on a type, if desired. |
x |
firstName |
First (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
The first name of the contact. |
firstNameUpper |
x |
string (50) |
The contact's first name, in uppercase letters. |
groupAccessList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the group security information entered through the Security block of the record. |
historyList--> |
n/a |
History tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of all histories that are related to the contact record. --> Links to specific history information for all of the contact's history records. |
x |
internetAddresses--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: inetAddressList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
8 The list of all internet addresses that are added to the contact record. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all internet addresses for the contact. Select when you want to access internet address types. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Internet Address Type that allows you to filter the internet addresses based on a type, if desired. |
x |
relations--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: leftRelationList--> |
n/a |
Relations tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of relations in which the related contact record is on the left side of the relation, and the current contact record is on the right side of the relation. --> Links to specific relation information. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to an intermediary table Relation Type that allows you to filter the relations based on the relation type, if desired. Note: The distinction between right and left relation in TeamConnect 3.4 is determined by a 3.4-specific attribute named relationDirection. |
x |
middleName |
Middle (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
The middle name of the contact. |
modifiedBy--> |
Modified By (Security block) |
x |
x |
object |
8 The user who last modified the contact record. --> Links to specific information for the user account. |
modifiedOn |
Modified On (Security block) |
x |
date |
Date the contact was last modified. |
lastName Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: name |
NAME (VARCHAR2) (250) |
Last or Company Name (General block) |
x |
string (250) |
The last name of the contact, if the contact is a person. The name of the contact, if the contact is a company. |
nameUpper |
x |
string (250) |
The last name or company name of the contact, in uppercase letters. |
note--> |
Notes (General block) |
x |
object |
Links to the table that contains the text entered into the Notes field of the record. |
idNumber Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: numberString |
ID (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
Alphanumeric text that identifies this contact as per your company's standards. |
numberStringUpper |
x |
string (50) |
The employee number in uppercase characters. |
phoneNumbers--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: phoneList--> |
n/a |
x |
x |
8 The list of phone numbers that are added to the contact record. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all phone numbers of the contact. Select this attribute when you want to access phone number types. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Phone Type that allows you to filter the phone numbers based on a type, if desired. |
x |
prefix |
Prefix (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
The prefix of the contact's name (such as Mr. or Mrs.) |
x |
primaryKey |
x |
int |
The unique ID of the contact record. |
rates--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: rateList--> |
n/a |
Rates tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of rates that are added to the contact record. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all rates of the contact. Select this attribute when you want to access specific items related to contact rates, such as rate amount, effective from date, and effective to date. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Task Category that allows you to filter the rates based on a task category, if desired. |
x |
relations--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: rightRelationList--> |
n/a |
Relations tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of relations in which the related contact record is on the right side of the relation, and the current contact record is on the left side of the relation. --> Links to specific relation information. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to an intermediary table Relation Type that allows you to filter the relations based on the relation type, if desired. Note: The distinction between right and left relation in TeamConnect 3.4 is determined by a 3.4-specific attribute named relationDirection. |
x |
salutation* |
Salutation (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
Salutation will not appear in TeamConnect; this field remains for users upgrading from 2.x versions of TeamConnect and should be ignored by all 4.x users. |
securityTypeIID |
Security Type (Security block) |
x |
Enum |
The security type of the contact record (either Public or Private). 0 - Public (PUBLIC) 2 - Private (PRIVATE) |
x |
skill--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: skillList--> |
n/a |
Skills tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of skills that are added to the contact record. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all skills of the contact. Select this attribute when you want to access specific items related to skills, such as skill level and skill type. In Object Navigator, this attribute links to a table named Skill Type that allows you to filter the skills based on a type, if desired. |
x |
socialSecurityNumber Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: ssOrTaxNumberString |
Social Security or Tax ID (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
The Social Security number of the contact, if the contact is a person. The Tax ID of the contact, if the contact is a company. |
x |
suffix |
Suffix (General block) |
x |
string (50) |
The suffix of the contact's name (such as Jr., Sr., or II) |
territories--> Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: territoryList--> |
n/a |
Territories tab |
x |
x |
8 The list of territories that are added to the contact record. --> Links to the join table that contains information for all territories for the contact. Select when you want to access territory types. |
x |
jobTitle Before TeamConnect 3.3 SP2: title |
TITLE (VARCHAR2) (250) |
Job Title (General block) |
x |
string (250) |
The job title of the contact. |
x |
typeIID |
New Person or New Company (Pop-up Menu) |
x |
Enum |
The type of the contact. P - Person (PERSON) C - Company (COMPANY) |
x |
userAccessList--> |
n/a |
x |
Links to the user security information entered through the Security block of the record. |
version |
x |
int |
Indicates how many times the contact record was updated. |