The following sample is going to retrieve data from a contact-centric system field found in a custom object definition.
The first tc:data tag navigates to the Contact object using the contact attribute of TProject. From there, the nested tags retrieve the following types of data about the contact.
•System fields
•Custom fields
•Related objects
Also, after navigating back to the main object (Claim) by closing the tc:data tag that navigated to the contact, the template retrieves data from a related object, Involved, using a filter defined in the header.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tc:document version="1.0" mime-type="application/msword" name="Contact-Centric Custom Fields" xmlns:tc=""> |
Creating Filter Screen for Related Objects |
<!-- The header section identifies the filter screen that will be displayed to the end-user. The filter screen will display the Involved parties associated to the Claim. The related object records in the filter screen will be displayed in a drop-down list. --> <tc:header> <tc:filter name="SelectInvolvedParties" searchCondition="Involved" label="Please select the Involved Party" displayString="Contact/FirstName;Contact/Name;DefaultCategory/Name" displayFormat="* * - *" /> </tc:header> <tc:content><tc:data select="Contact"> First Name: <tc:data select="FirstName" /> Last Name: <tc:data select="Name" /> |
Retrieving Data from Custom Fields |
<!-- The following tags retrieve data from the custom fields within the Contact record. These custom fields are defined for the category Employee. --> Hire Date: <tc:detail select="CONT_EMPL/HireDate" /> Salary: <tc:detail select="CONT_EMPL/Salary" /> Employee Type: <tc:detail select="CONT_EMPL/EmployeeType" /> Comments: <tc:detail select="CONT_EMPL/Comments" /> Citizen: <tc:detail select="CONT_EMPL/Citizen" true="Yes" false="No" /> Book: <tc:detail select="CONT_EMPL/Book"><tc:data select="Name" /></tc:detail> |
Retrieving All Instances of the Sub-object Address |
<!-- The following tags retrieve all of the addresses added to the contact record. In this case, the tc:loop tag is used because we want to retrieve all of the addresses added to the contact record, not just a specific type of address (which would require the qualifier attribute) or one that the user selected (which would require tc:filter to be used instead of tc:loop). --> Address Information <tc:loop select="AddressList"> Street: <tc:data select="Street" /> Country: <tc:data select="CountryItem/Name" /> </tc:loop> |
Automatically Retrieving All Instances of the Related Object History |
<!-- The following tags retrieve all of the history records created for the contact record. In this case, the tc:search tag is used because we want to retrieve all history records that were created for the contact record, not just a specific history record (which would require the qualifier attribute or tc:conditional) or one that the user selected (which would require tc:filter to be used instead of tc:search). --> History Information <tc:search link="History"> Archived On: <tc:data select="ArchivedOn" /> Default Category: <tc:data select="DefaultCategory/Name" /> Notes: <tc:data select="Text" /> </tc:search></tc:data> |
Retrieving the User-Selected Related Object Involved |
<!-- The following tags retrieve data pertaining to the involved party that the user selected while generating the letter. In this case, the tc:filter tag is used because we want to retrieve the data pertaining to the involved party that the user selected. --> Involved Information <tc:filter select="SelectInvolvedParties"><tc:data select="Contact"> First Name: <tc:data select="FirstName" /> Last Name: <tc:data select="Name" /> </tc:data> |
Automatically Retrieving All Instances of the Sub-Object Category |
<!-- The following tags retrieve the categories added to the involved party record. In this case, the tc:loop tag is used because we want to retrieve all of the categories added to the user selected record. --> Role: <tc:loop select="DetailList"><tc:data select="Category/Name" /> </tc:loop></tc:filter></tc:content></tc:document> |